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"What?" Hope said,"A honeymoon? Now? With everything that's been going on--"

"It's already settled," Freya said,"You're going."

Hope turned and glared at Stiles,"Did you know?"

Stiles looked as shocked as she was, probably even more so, so shocked that he was rendered speechless.

"That means no," Hope said,"And we can't just up and leave."

"Already made arrangements with the pack," Keelin said,"And it just for two weeks."

"Where are we even going?" Hope asked.

"That's part of the surprise," Kol stated,"But it is somewhere in the caribbean."

"Cancun?" She asked a little hopefully.

"Not quite," Rebekah said,"And you'll see where it is when you get there."

"Can you be any more vague?" Hope asked frustratingly.

"All you have to know is that it will be paradise," Rebekah replied,"Now, let's go. You have a flight to catch."

"It's a private jet," Marcel reminded her,"They'll wait for them."

Next thing they knew they're boarded onto a plane that was obviously very expensive.

"Pilot's compelled not to tell us where we're going," Hope said, plopping down onto the couch next to her husband

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"Pilot's compelled not to tell us where we're going," Hope said, plopping down onto the couch next to her husband.

For some reason Stiles seemed really nervous, constantly rubbing his sweaty palms against his shirt.

"What's wrong?" Hope asked,"You're acting like you're nervous about doing it for the first time," She said, smiling at him amusedly.

"I'm not nervous," Stiles said,"It...just kind of hit me."

"What did?"

"We're married," Stiles said.

"What gave that away, dear husband of mine?" Hope asked him, trying to keep herself from laughing.

"But now it feels more real than it ever had before," Stiles said, looking at the Alpha Tribrid more seriously,"And I'm both happy about it and terrified."

Hope leaned her head against his shoulder,"I know. I feel it too, I'm just better at hiding it."

"You are a good actor," Stiles said, smiling down at her,"So...what do you want to do on our honeymoon."

Hope sighed, her hand going up his chest, and resting on his heart,"I've got a few ideas, most of them involving both of us naked."

Stiles smiled,"I like the sound of that."

"And...I'm pretty sure there's a bed in the back of the jet," Hope said, standing up and walking into the back cabin, walking in a way that she knew Stiles would stare at.

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