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Freya's hands waved down Stiles's body, a blue light coming from her hands as she scanned him. Hope standing a little ways away from them.

"It's true," Freya said,"You are becoming human again."

"How long?" Stiles asked,"Till all my power's gone?"

"Maybe a couple of days," Freya said, making Hope's breath catch.

"Can you find a way to slow it down?" Stiles asked.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't my kind of magic, and even if I did there's something else."

"What is it?" Hope asked worriedly.

"His body is starting to reject all forms of magic, after he loses his power, protection spells, curses, all forms of magic won't work on him. Even vampire blood," Freya told them cautiously,"It's like nature is trying to make you as vulnerable as possible."

"Fuck nature," Hope said,"We are two very powerful witches, and now you're telling me we can't do a damn thing to protect him."

"All witches are bound to nature, Hope," Freya said,"There are some laws that nature makes that not even the Tribrid and break."

Stiles closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths as Freya and Hope continued to argue.

Looking down at his hands, he flexed his fingers, trying to make his claws come out, but there was nothing.

Stiles suddenly stood, walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Hope asked.

"I just...I just need to clear my head," Stiles said, leaving the compound and going for his car.

The charger whipped around a corner, Stiles shifted gears, going faster. Looking through the windshield at the dark road and night sky.

The steering wheel yanked to the right as Stiles turned into the bayou, but he wasn't going toward the pack.

He slowed to a stop, putting the car in park as he stepped out of the charger.

This was the place, a year ago today, he came here in the bayou.

He put his hand on the tree stump he had punched down all those months ago. The first time he ever felt the raw strength of being an Alpha coursing through him.

Stiles turned to face the water, an unsettling fog drifting over the swamp,"I Uh... don't really know if I'm just talk to empty space right now," Stiles stated,"But I have to ask, what the fuck did I ever do to you?!"

Nature gave no reply.

"You sent me here, to be some damn loophole for Hope's immortality. You took me away from my family, you made my life a living hell. And now, when I get married to the most amazing woman in the whole multiverse, you go on and fuck it up again. So if I ever did something to personally offend you, please just tell me."

Stiles looked up at the full moon in anger, his eyes flashing yellow and he roared at it,"TELL ME!"

"Unfortunately I don't think nature can provide those answers," A voice said, and something hit the back of his head, making everything go black.

Time Skip

Stiles groaned, opening his eyes slowly, the first thing he saw was the night sky and then Aurora's face.

"Good morning, Stiles," Aurora said, standing over him, smiling,"Early morning if we're getting technical."

Stiles tried to sit up, but he was shoved back down by Aurora,"Not yet."

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