Goddess Vs Family

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Stiles looked at the wall in his and Hope's room, red yarn decorating it along with several pictures.

"What's this?" Hope asked, walking into the room.

"It's something I used to do," Stiles informed her,"It'd help me gather my thoughts."

"What are you thinking right now?" Hope asked, going to stand beside him.

"That I'm very lucky to be married to you," Stiles said, turning around to kiss Hope softly,"That I'm happy to die with the person I love most in the world."

Hope smiled, taking his hands in hers,"You know, I've always worried that I would outlive everyone I love. I never thought what would happen if I die with them."

"That's interesting to think about," Stiles said, looking down at his silver wedding ring next to Hope's,"What if there's nothing after this life?"

"There is," Hope promised,"I've seen it before with my Mom, and when I became the Tribrid, then there was that moment with the Red Oak."

Stiles winced, remembering the one minute that he had thought he had lost her forever, something he never wanted to feel again.

"At least if we go, it'll be together," Stiles said with a small smile.

"Are you ready?" Hope asked.

"More than I'll ever be," Stiles said, hand in hand they left the room, Stiles looked back once to glance at the drawing of the Godkiller.

Stiles hopped into the Charger with Hope in the passenger seat, then they started to drive, the rest of their family following in different cars.

They were silent the whole ride, they didn't need to speak, they held hands the whole ride.

Then they crossed the line into New Orleans, immediately they were met with a cold chill, their breath fogged up.

"Glad, I fixed that heater," Stiles said, turning the heater on.

Frost covered New Orleans in the summer for the first time since the ice age.

They looked up through the windshield to see dark clouds circling overhead, and they both knew where the center was. The compound, their home.

They parked a few miles away, going over the plan,"I'll distract her," Stiles said,"A couple of sarcastic comments and my annoying personality should get her monologuing. When you get in, hit her with everything you've got."

Stiles pulled something out of the trunk, a long sword, something that the Mikaelsons had once kept in the attic, the calligraphic M on the hilt meaning Mikaelson, but with the help of Hope he managed to turn it more than into a sword.

Getting the motorcycle from the back of the truck Marcel was driving, he went to the compound, immediately seeing the changes made to it.

The building made from concrete was now painted completely black, the entrance had a symbol above the doors, the family crest of the De Martels.

The corners of the square format building were now tipped with towers like from a castle.

He stopped in front of the double doors, revving the engine of the bike loudly.

The double doors creaked open, and he rolled his eyes at the dramatics of it.

He rode the bike into the compound, looking down at a pile of bodies in the corner, the fountain filled with blood.

On the walls there were tapestries and paintings of what Stiles assumed to be Aurora's life story.

"Interesting," Aurora said, her voice echoing through the compound,"You're not afraid."

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