He Cries

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' "Okay, Hazel Grace?"
"Okay." '

The movie came to an end and All Of These Stars by Ed Sheeran can on as the credits started rolling. You looked up at Ashton who had tears in his eyes.

"Ash, are you crying?" You asked.

"No." He lied, and you laughed.

"If it helps, it's a turn on if you are." You smirked.

"Then, yes, I am crying." He admitted. You chuckled while wiping your own tears away.

"Now you understand why I cried while reading that book."

Dear Calum

In the last couple of months, it seems like all we do is fight. I can't handle the constant arguing, and it's not good for the baby either. I can't bring a child into this mess. So I have done what I think is best. I am sure that you would still like to be in our child's life, but I am afraid I can no longer be in a relationship with you. We can still be friends. For the baby.

Love you always.

You folded the letter and put it on the kitchen table for him to see when he got home. You fetched your packed suitcase from yours and Calums once shared bedroom, and tugged it down the stairs, resting a hand on your swollen belly.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Calum's voice say. He was home early. You walked into the kitchen to find him holding the note in his shaking hand with tears in his eyes. He looked down at the packed bags and then back at you. "You're leaving me?"

"I just -I just can't do this anymore. The constant fighting, Calum. It's not good." You explained what was already in the letter.

"We can work through it." He offered, taking a step closer, tears falling from his eyes. "Just, please. Don't leave me."


You did your homework while you waited for Luke's Skype call. He was currently on tour with the boys, and you missed him terribly. You weren't able to speak with him for almost a week now because you had been so busy with school work.

"Hey, Lukey." You smiled once his face popped up on the screen.

"Hey. I miss you." He said. He didn't look okay, and you were beginning to worry.

"Are you okay?" You asked, frowning slightly.

"Yeah, I've just had a really long day." He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. He looked as if he were about to cry.

"Oh, baby. You guys work so hard."

"And I just-" he started, and you could see tears forming in his clear blue eyes. "I just really miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Four months and ten days until I can see you." He tried to smile, but a tear fell from his eye.

"Four months and nine days for me. It's after midnight." You smiled sadly, knowing that that was a really long time. You heard his name being called somewhere in the background and he hastily wiped his tears away, not wanting his band mates to see him cry.

"I love you, okay?" He said.

"I love you, too."

"You should get some rest. I have to go."


"Hey, (Y/N)." Calum said through the phone once you picked up. "There's something wrong with Michael. I think you need to come over." Without hesitation, you rushed over to your boyfriend's house. When you arrived, you found Luke, Calum and Ashton on the couch, the look of worry on all of their faces.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"He won't come out of his room. He won't even speak to any of us. I think that maybe you can help." Ashton explained, and you immediately headed up to Michael's room.

"Mike." You said, knocking on the door. "It's me, (Y/N)." You waited for him to respond. It took a while until you finally heard the sound of the door being unlocked. You took that as your que to enter. What you saw on the other side of the door broke your heart. He sat flat on the floor of his room, hugging his knees. You knew that he was crying. "Oh, no, Mikey." You sat beside him and put your arms around him, and he leaned on you as he cried. "What happened, baby?"

He told you that his mother had been in a serious accident, and was in critical condition. The doctors weren't even sure if she would make it, and that broke him to a thousand pieces.

"She has to be okay. Tell me that she is going to be okay, (Y/N)."



Pretty please check out my Ashton fanfic, Scars. It's a good read. Please vote, yeah?

xxx McRee Black

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