Accident [Luke]

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Ever felt like your stomach had literally fallen right out of your ass?

You were driving home from work, and the radio was on when it was announced that there had been an accident on the highway. You didn't think much of it, only felt sorry for the families whose loved ones might have been involved.

And then the phone call came.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Mrs Hemmings?" A male voice asked.

"Yes." You said slowly, pulling into your driveway. "Can I help you?"

"It's your husband. He's been in an accident." He murmured, and you froze. There went your stomach. Falling right out of your ass, as you tried to process what the man on the phone had just said. He didn't waste any time, and dove into all of the details, explaining which hospital he had been airlifted to.


No. No, no. This was all wrong. Luke was on his way home right now, you thought to yourself. You tried to convince yourself that you would both have a laugh once you explained to him that a man had called telling you that he had been in an accident. But deep down inside, as you drove yourself to the hospital, you knew that they didn't get anything wrong. What you were told was the truth. Luke had been in an accident.

You were shaking when you finally pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. You slowly made your way inside and asked for your husband. You were told that you could not go in and see him just yet and had to wait. Without enough energy to fight that they let you in, you let yourself sink into one of the hard plastic chairs in the hospital waiting room.

Not long after, Michael, Ashton and Calum came rushing into the hospital, only to find you in a daze. Michael rubbed your back while Ashton got coffee amd Calum demanded to know what was going on. All of it seemed like it wasn't real. It was like you weren't really there. You tried hard not to picture your life without Luke.

After a couple of hours had passed, which felt more like six years to you, the doctor finally led you to Luke's room. He was in the intensive care unit, but you were assured that the surgery was a success and he was now stable. But nothing that the doctor had said could have prepared you for what you were to see. There in that room lay your husband, looking pale and small, surrounded by machines that were keeping him alive. Taking his cold hand in yours, you sat beside him, stroking his cheek with your other hand, biting your lip to keep yourself from crying.

"Oh, baby, what happened?" You asked, obviously not expecting him to respond. He was in a coma. You guided his limp hand down to your stomach. "I was going to wait till this weekend to tell you, but now seems like a good time too." You smiled through your tears, holding his hand to your lower stomach. "I'm going to be strong for the three of us. You need to be strong too. I need you now more than ever, Luke. Come back to us as soon as you can, okay?"

To comfort yourself, you began telling Luke stories about the two of you. About how you met, your first date, how he proposed and your wedding day. You were holding onto his hand, when his heart monitor suddenly started beeping faster. Doctors and nurses rushed into their room, trying to pry your hands from his and forcing you to leave. You held onto Luke's hand desperately.

The doctor was finally able to remove you from the room. Walking back into the waiting room, Ashton, Calum and Michael immediately stood to their feet to get some information out of you. Remembering the scene that had just unfolded in the hospital room only seconds ago, you were suddenly overwhelmed by emotion and collapsed in Ashton's arms, the lights fading to black.

When you woke, a doctor was shinning a light in your eyes and you shied away from the bright light. Calum and Michael were standing on either side of you, but Ashton was nowhere to be seen. He soon came strolling into the room, a huge grin plastered on his face. You frowned up at him.

"So, apparently you're pregnant, and Luke is awake." He explained with a smile. You immediately sat up, but soon regretted it when a great pain shot up to your head, making you flinch and the doctor forced you to lie back down.

"You're husband is okay, Mrs Hemmings. But you need to rest."

"So, Luke is okay?" You asked with a smile, not caring much about anything else that he was saying.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied, returning the smile.

"Luke is okay." You repeated to yourself just for assurance. "He's okay." You smiled, falling back to sleep.



Well, this was random..

xxx McRee Black

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