You Fight About Music

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"What do you mean you don't like the Arctic Monkeys?" You gasped. "That's my favorite band."

"They're not all that great, babe." He shrugged.

"Which Arctic Monkeys have you been listening to? That band is amazing!" He shrugged once again, and you felt yourself getting annoyed by the second.

"Come on, babe, its not a big deal."

"It is a big deal that you don't like my favourite band!" You threw your hands up in frustration. There was an Arctic Monkeys concert coming up, and you had bought tickets for the both of you to go, not knowing that he didn't like the band.

"Babe?" He sighed, noticing how worked up you were getting. You ignored him and looked away, putting on your earphones. "Baby." He whined. "I'll try it out. Play me your favorite song by them. Please don't be mad at me." He pouted, and you couldn't help the smile on your face. You played him Do I Wanna Know, and he ended up becoming a bigger fan than you were.


"Babe, can you turn down the volume." You requested.

"That's my favorite Nickelback song." He frowned.

"I don't really like Nickelback. The lead singer kind of has an annoying voice." You shrugged. He looked at you in clear disbelief.

"You're music tase sucks, (Y/N)." He grumbled, and you frowned up at him.

"Why so grumpy, Cal?" You asked.

"You just told me that one of my favorite bands annoys you." He scoffed.

"We all have a right to an opinion, Calum." You said calmly.

"You're right." He sighed. "But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to try and make you love them."


He walked into the room, to find you lying on the bed, your earphones on, singing along to Ed Sheeran's golden voice.

"Hey, babe." He said, kissing you. "What are you listening to?" He asked, stealing one of your earphones. He put it on, then immediately pulled it out upon discovering what you were listening to. You frowned at him. You loved this song. Why was he acting like this? "You like Ed Sheeran?"

"I love Ed Sheeran, Lucas." You said simply, an edge to your voice. "You don't like his music?"

"He sucks." He shrugged, getting off the bed and strolling into the bathroom.

"What do you mean he sucks?" You frowned, following him into the bathroom.

"He's not as amazing as everyone says."

"I can't even talk to you right now." You shook your head, walking out of the bathroom. Of course you knew that you were being a bit dramatic, but you loved Ed, and you couldn't understand how anyone could possibly think that he sucks.

"Babe, are you mad?" Luke asked, crawling back onto the bed, and putting an arm around you. You shrugged him off. "(Y/N), really?" He questioned, and even though you had your back to him, you knew he had an eyebrow raised. "Okay, fine." He sighed, eventually. "Play me some of the music. I'll be open minded." He said, and you immediately turned to him with a smile. You played him a bunch of your favourite Ed Sheeran songs. In the end, he admitted that he was an amazing artist.


"That's it? That's the song?" You asked. Michael nodded. He had just played I Miss You by Blink-182. He loved the song, and after hearing it, you couldn't understand why. You scrunched your nose.

"What?" He asked.

"I didn't like it." You say shyly. His eyes widened at your comment.


"I've never really liked Blink-182. I don't like the lead singers voice." You explained, and he stared blankly at you. "Mike?"

"I'm just trying to understand, how is it possible that you don't like this band?" He was annoyed, and you could tell.

"It's not a big deal, Mike." You mumbled. You couldn't understand why he was making such a big deal out of this.

A few hours later, you could tell that Michael was still upset about the Blink-182 thing. You looked up the lyrics to the song, and listened to the original and their cover of the song a couple of times, and fell in love with it. You started downloading more Blink-182 songs, and when he returned home from the studio later that evening, he was shocked to find you dancing around the apartment to Ghost On The Dancefloor.

"Okay, so they're not as bad as I thought." You admit, and he smiles at you.


"Yeah I bet that you look good on the dancefloor!" (Sorry, Arctic Monkeys moment.)

Anywhoo ...please vote and comment and make a little fangirl happy today.

xxc McRee

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