Not The Father [Ashton]

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It had been two years. You had to tell him. He needed to know. You knew that once he found out, he would leave you. But he had a right to know. And he was probably suspicious by now. She looked nothing like him, but he loved her anyway. He would do anything for her.

"Ash?" You said one night, as the two of you lay in bed.

"Hmm?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I-i need to tell you something." You stuttered. He sat up in bed suddenly, pulling you up with him.

"Whats wrong baby?" He asked gently, planting a chaste kiss to your cheek.

"I don't know how to tell you this." You said softly, fiddling with your thumbs.

"What is it (Y/N)?" He forced you to look up at him, and you stared into his hazel eyes. How could you do this to him? What you were about to tell him could tear him apart. It could break him.

"Its about Hayley." You whispered. His eyes lit up at the mention of your daughters name. He loved that little girl so much, and it tore you apart because what you were about to tell him could change that. "She-she's not yours." Your voice was strained, and the tears were threatening to fall. You couldn't stand to look at him as you divulged this information. "Luke's the father."

The silence in the room was suffocating. You wanted to get up and open the windows. The air was so thick, you could cut through it.

"Say something. Please." You whispered.

"I always knew that something was up." He said hoarsely.

"What do you mean?" You frowned.

"Oh come on, (Y/N). You didn't think that I was that stupid, did you?" He pushed away from you, and got out of bed. He paced the room and tugged at the roots of his hair in frustration. "Does he know? Does he know that he is the father?" He yelled. "But of course he does. Everyone probably knows, but they were just waiting for you to say it. Neither of us have blue eyes, but she does. And nothing can calm her down, except for her stuffed penguin. She likes penguins, just like Luke."

"Ashton, I wanted to tell you." The tears were falling freely now as you tried to calm your husband.

"Bullshit! That is bullshit, and you know it as well as I do, (Y/N)!"

"I'm sorry." You sobbed.

"When did it happen? When did you decide to fuck my best friend?" He growled. "Was it before, or after our wedding?"

"Ashton, pleas-"

"Answer me!"

"It was a mistake. We were both drunk. We didn't know what we were doing." You tried to explain yourself through the sobs that shook your body. You had never seen Ashton this angry before. "Two weeks before the wedding, after you and I had that argument about relocating, I went out to get a drink with (Y/BFF/N), and Luke joined us later after he had broken up with Melissa. We all got drunk, but that wasn't the plan. (Y/BFF/N) left before Luke and I. We got a cab, and you were in the studio with Calum when we got back to the hotel. It just happened. It was a mistake. A huge and stupid mistake."

"This is the worst form of betrayal. My own wife and my best friend." He spoke so calmly that it sent a chill down your spine. "Now everytime I look into the eyes of my daughter, I will be reminded of this betrayal."

"Ash. Please. We can make this work. We'll have another baby." You suggested. You didn't want him to leave you. You would give anything to make him stay.

"Another baby? You think that that will fix this? So we have another baby, and then what happens to Hayley? We send her off to live with Luke? Never."

"Please. Please don't leave me." You cried, and his eyes softened at your plea.

"I'm not leaving you, (Y/N). Two years, and I knew that something was up. I didn't leave you then, I'm not gonna leave you now."

"Thank you. Thank you, Ash-" you were ready to pull him into a hug, and have him run his fingers up and down your back and tell you that it was okay. But that wasn't how life worked out, was it?

"I'm not finished." He said, taking a step away from you. It stung, but you knew that he was hurting more than you were. "I'm not leaving you, but I do need some space. I'm going to move in with Michael for a while."

Two Weeks Later

You have been living without your husband for two weeks now, and it hurt. You missed him, and Hayley missed him too. She constantly asked you where her father was. You thought about that one mistake that you made more times in these past two weeks, than you ever did in the past two years.

"Hi, it's me Ashton. I'm sorry I can't answer your call, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye."

"Hey, Ash. Its me again. I'm just calling to say that Hayley misses you. I miss you. Please come home, baby. Please, we miss you. I know th-" You were disrupted by Hayley screaming downstairs. "I'll call again later. I hope you pick up. I love you. Bye." You finished your voice message in a rush, then ran downstairs to see what was the matter with Hayley.

"Daddy!" She squealed. Ashton had Hayley in his arms and was kissing her little face. You stood in the middle of the room watching them. He probably just came back to see her. You thought. He put her down gently, and walked slowly toward you. Neither of you said a word. You didn't need to. He was looking at you with the same look that he gave you when you crashed his car a year ago and he forgave you. The same look he had when he held you in the kitchen as you cried because you burnt the cake you were trying to make for his birthday two years ago while you were pregnant. The look of love. When he reached you, he pulled you into his arms in a tight embrace, and you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes to enhale his scent.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled.

"Shh. Stop with the apologies. We're fine now." He held you so tight, you could barely breath, but you didn't want him to let go. "I've missed you." He mumbled.

"Me, too." You whispered.

"I love you."

"I love you."


Wouldn't it be so cool if this actually happened, and then like Luke comes up years later and he goes all Darthvader. "I'm your father." Oh my word, I can't even imagine this happening. It would be too hilarious. Okay I'm done now.

Please vote and comment, and tell your chinas, and your chinas chinas to vote and comment too. (Chinas: South African slang -which I do not typically use- for friends.)

Virtual chocolates for everyone! Love Andy Biersack (yes, I am still on that.)

xxx McRee

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