How He Asks You Out

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"Go on Twitter!" You're friend yelled after you had just picked up the phone.

"Well, good morning to you too." You groaned. You were not much of a morning person.

"Fine, whatever, good morning (Y/N). Now go on Twitter!" She yelled again, and you winced.

"Why?" You whined, getting up and walking towards your desk where your laptop lay.

"Just go! Okay, gotta go! Bye!" What was so exciting about my Twitter? I barely had any followers and I hardly ever tweeted.

You logged onto your twitter and saw that it was literally blowing up.

"What the?" You whispered to yourself. So many mentions. You didn't even know where to begin. You kept scrolling down until you found that tweet that caused all this commotion.

'@ashton5sos: I would love it if @(Y/T/N) would be my girlfriend.'


It was your friends birthday, and yourself and a group of friends (including Calum) had gone to a carnival that your friend had wanted to go to. You were all having a good time, until it started to rain and you had to leave. As you all walked back to the car, Calum suddenly pulled you back. You were about to protest when he crashed his lips into yours and kissed you. It only took a while for you to get over the shock and kiss him back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He mumbled against your lips, and you just nodded in response and kissed him again in the rain.


You two were having lunch at Nando's after you had picked him up from band rehearsal. He had failed his drivers test again, and you had to pick him up after rehearsals. Not that you minded, you two would always go on some weird adventure together.

"There is something that I wanted to ask you." He said, wiping the corners of his perfect lips with a napkin.

"And that is?" You asked, taking another large sip of your Sprite.

"Well, I'm kind of afraid to ask you this."

"Well now you just have to ask because I'm curious now." You smirked. He opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it again.

"Can I text you the question instead?" He suggested, and you rolled your eyes but nodded anyways. He chewed on his bottom lip as he texted you. It took him so long to send that one text that you thought it was gonna be a paragraph or two long.

Your phone finally vibrated, indicating that the text had come in.

'From: Lukey-Poo

Will you be my girlfriend?'


You two were just hanging out playing FIFA in your living room when he suddenly paused the video game.

"Why'd you do that?" You frowned at him.

"I'm having a sudden burst of confidence. Don't ruin it." He said in a rush.

"Uh, Michael, wha-" He wouldn't let you finish your sentence before he spoke again.

"I need you to be my girlfriend."

* * * * *

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