He Meets Your Family For The First Time

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"Calm dowm, baby, they're going to love you." You assured your boyfriend as the two of you stood on the front porch at your parents house.

"What if they hate me?" He asked, panic clear in his eyes.

"They'll love you, because I love you." You smiled up at your boyfriend, planting a small kiss to his lips and immediately feeling him relax under your touch. Just then, the door swung open, revealing your mother.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you." Your mother said with a smile. "Come on in."

"If mom loves you, everyone is gonna adore you." You smiled at a now relaxed Ashton, as you walked through the house to meet the rest of the family.


It wasn't supposed to happen this way, but you wouldn't change it for the world.

Calum was standing in your lawn, throwing little stones at your bedroom window to get you to open so that he can climb in. Your parents didn't know about the two of you yet, but you were planning on telling them soon, because you were really into him.

He was about to climb up the wall and into your bedroom through the window, when your fathers car pulled into the driveway. Your father stepped out of the car, followed by your younger brother/sister, and eyed Calum suspiciously.

"Shit." You groaned, covering your eyes. Your father looked up at you, then back at Calum, waiting for you to explain. "Dad, this is Calum. Calum, my dad." You explained, yelling from your window.

"You know you could just use the front door son." Your dad said, nodding toward the door. You giggled, covering your mouth.


Luke stood fiddling with his thumbs as you both waited for the door to open. You put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, in an effort to get him to relax. He smiled at you. The door was pulled open, revealing your mother and five year old little brother.

"Mom, this is Luke. Luke, this is my mom and my little brother, (Y/L/B/N)." You introduced the three. Your mother smiled.

"Its so good to finally meet you." Your mom smiled, pulling Luke into a hug, before telling you both to come inside and join the rest of the family.

Your little brother was eyeing Luke the whole time, looking up at him. Luke noticed, and was starting to get slightly uncomfortable, before your brother finally spoke. "You're reeaalllyy tall." Your brother said, dragging out the word 'really'. Everyone in the room burst out laughing at the comment, nodding their heads in agreement.


He pulled his shirt off, putting on another and fixing his hair, trying to make himself look presentable for your family. You giggled.

"What?" He asked.

"You look fine, Mikey. Relax." You said to him. He fixed his hair again, just as the doorbell went off.

"FAMILY IS HERE!" You screamed, rushing to open the door.

"You are so weird." Michael chuckled from behind you. You pulled the door open to reveal your sister. You pulled her into a hug and she informed you that you're parents would be there in a few minutes. She walked right up to Michael, and eyed him carefully.

"So you're the Michael we've all heard so much about." Your sister stated, and Michael smiled shyly, unsure of what to say. "Just so you know, if you break my little sister's heart, I'm breaking your balls. Understood?" She said sternly. Michael swallowed hard, and nodded his head.

"Is your whole family like this?" He whispered in your ear as your sister went on to explore the house.

"You've got a long day ahead of ya, Mike." You said, patting his shoulder and laughing.


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