Show of a life time (Chappy 6)

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I've had a lot of family issues going on lately, boyfriend issues and I've also been severely ill with this virus and I'm only just starting to get better.

I apologise for any inconvenience :( you can cuss me out in messages >.< but I hope this chapter is worth the wait! ;)


I peeled my eye mask off my face and pulled out my earphones, sighing happily and rolling over to hug Ben only to find the space next to me to be completely empty. I sit up quickly and look around the room frantically calling out to him, hoping for him to answer.

"Ben!? Are you here?" No response. Well that's odd, where could he possibly be? I looked over to Ben's side of the bed and saw a yellow sticky note stuck to the small photo frame with the picture of me cuddling Ben on the blood splattered grass. I smiled remembering that day. It was the day we made our first kill together. The way Ben drove his sword into the mans chest made my heart flutter, the way he used his catch phrase 'you shouldn't have done that' when the guy had punched him. God it gave me goosebumps. If he said that to me during sex, I'd cum instantly. Off topic Jeff, stop it!

Peeling off the sticky note, I rub my tired eyes yawning and read

'Jeff, Gone to Lunch, it's noon. Didn't want to wake you. Come down when you wake up! Ben x'

Oh, that's explains it! Silly me. He could have at least woken me, I wouldn't have minded. I shrug and get up out of bed and trudge my way to the bathroom tiredly, I walk in and step on something warm and wet "ew!" I shriek. Looking down I see fresh blood stains on the carpet and raise my eyebrows "what the fuck?" Looking around I see the bathroom to be a mess and a dint in the wall, like someone had been pushed against it "what the fuck happened in here?!" Okay, now I'm worried. Quickly brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I tucked my knife and keycard safely in my back pocket and walk out the door getting in the elevator and going down to the lunch hall.

I see Ben immediately and sigh in relief before making my way over. He sees me and smiles waving, I take him in my arms tightly and kiss his lips softly, after a few seconds we pull away and he looks at me blushing a crimson red and his ears twitching.

"What was that for?" He questions. We both take a seat and order lunch and a drink.

"What, I can't show the love of my life affection?" He raises his eyebrow and folds his arms, he knows I'm lying. I smile still trying to play along, it's no use he can see right through my white lies.

"Alright! I was worried okay? I went into the bathroom when I got up and seen blood on the carpet and a dint in the fucking wall, Ben! What happened?" I finished and he instantly freezes, his muscles going tense and his knuckles turning white. Something was up, I could see it. It's like he was scared... but what was he scared of?

"I-I...... Ugh...." He stutters nervously as he looks anywhere but at me. I furrow my eyebrows and notice a not-so-small cut on his neck. He sees me staring and his eyes widen as he quickly covers it by pulling his shirt up.

"What is that on your neck, Ben?" I stand up and reach over moving his hand out of the way and gasp when I see it still oozing red liquid. He swats my hand away and covers it back up avoiding my gaze. Something is definitely up.

"Nothing! I-I was.... Just.... Shaving!" He quickly covers up. Yeah right Ben, nice try.

"Shaving your neck?" I say bluntly.

"Y-Yes!.... I was growing a beard.... And shaved it off... Nobody likes a hairy little elf... In the progress I cut my neck, spilling blood on the carpet. I just forgot to clean it..." He says far to quickly. Lies lies lies and more lies. I knew he was lying, but I played along.

"Okay, what about the dint in the wall?" I ask.

"After I got out of the shower I slipped on my... my... my hat! And accidentally hit the wall" he puts on a fake teary smile. He seemed pretty upset by this, so I decided not to push my luck and leave it at that. I'd ask him about it later. So instead I gave him a hug and told him it was okay, when our food came and we ate in silence.

Half way through our meal the lights went out causing everyone to whisper and mumble to each other, I looked over to Ben.

"What's going on?" I asked confused and lightly worried, he shrugged and looked around. All of a sudden a red spot light appeared on stage and standing there was none other then... Offenderman.. in nothing but boots and a speedo.. My eyes widened and I leaned over the table to cover Bens eyes, the poor boy doesn't need to see that....

Assistants on the ship pushed a runway so it was attached to the stage and someone started playing 'I'm sexy and I know it' why.. If only I could blink or close my eyes!

"J-jeff.. what is going on?" Ben said peeking through my hands.

"We're paying for our sins.." I whispered as Offender started striding down the runway, hands on hips and the sound of girls screaming filled the air. Someone attached a pole to the end of the runway and Offender started pole dancing... Girls stood from their seats and ran over to the runway throwing money at him as he continued to do his thang with his wang.. He was totally enjoying this, you could see it.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, the curtains opened and someone pushed a grey boy out, he turned around and... it was Eyeless Jack, he wore black skinny jeans and was bare chested besides a dark blue tie and didn't have his mask on... I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel bad for him, either way this was highly disturbing..

The curtains opened again and out popped Splendorman with a whip in hand.

"That's it my boys! Put on a show for these lovely killers! Jack! DANCE!" He hissed the last part and whipped him, Jack sobbed and air thrusted slowly. He was definitely forced to do this.

Ben eventually pulled my hand down and the minute he seen what was going the teary fake smile was replaced with a real one and nothing but pure laughter. At least he's laughing right? But God am I scarred for eternity!


Was that worth your wait? 😂

My sister insisted to add this part in the book. I had to agree!

Come one guys, it was totally amazeballs Hahahaha. Comment what you think, I'd love some feed back and possibly opinions for what you'd like to see in the next chapter :D

Love you guys xx

That guy with the split personality. (Sequel) ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora