We need answers (Chappy 12!)

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3rd person POV:

"Ben! What the hell? Why did you attack him? I had it handled" Jeff complained, rolling his eyes as they both trudged back to there shared cabin.

"Oh and you call a simple sweet tap on the shoulder having it handled? We were there for answers, Jeff! Not to be sympathetic towards the guy. What is wrong with you? Why are you so soft towards him? After everything he did to us." Ben was annoyed. They entered their cabin and Ben slammed the door shut hard, throwing himself onto the bed his face dug into the pillows.

"Did you see all those scars on him? That's a lot to carry, for anyone!" Jeff sat down on the edge of the bed in deep thought, trying to piece everything together. Ben groaned in frustration and rolled over facing Jeff.

"JEFF! For fuck sake! Are you listening to me right now? Are you even listening to yourse-----"

"I JUST THINK THERES MORE TO HIS STORY ALRIGHT BEN?" Jeff screamed cutting his aggravated partner off mid sentence. Ben's eyes were wide and he shut his mouth, Jeff laid down beside him and scratched his head, deep in thought.

By now Ben was in a better mood and Jeff was able to concentrate, piece every little detail he had together trying to come up with a conclusion. Something's missing, a fact that's hidden. Suddenly, Jeff's eyes sprung with life as the revelation hit him! He quickly grabbed storms journal from the bedside table and started flicking through pages

"What are you looking for?" Ben questioned

"Where there any kills written down in his journal before his father?" Jeff looked at Ben, but he only shrugged and shook his head no.

"But I did find this, I just forgot to mention it" Ben took the journal from Jeff's hands and flicked to the very back of the book, where an envelope was glued to the inside of the cover. Jeff looked confused as Ben hesitantly opened the flap and pulled out a folded bit of paper, still in good condition but it was at least 12years old. On the front it had written in what seemed to be a child's writing 'Entry 1'... Ben handed the paper to Jeff and he took it gently, unfolding it into A4 size and read

Entry 1:
March 20,
I am storm, and I am 6 years old. I wanted to tell someone a secret but I have no friends, so I am going to write it. Daddy's been drinking a lot lately and it scares me, because when he drinks he hurts me and it leaves bruises and scars. He says its my fault? My fault that mommy is dead. I don't understand? He was the one that killed mommy, I seen him do it. He hurt me again when he saw me, said he'd kill me to if I told anyone what he did. Daddy's been drinking a lot more since he got rid of mommy, and he's also been hurting me a lot more to. I'm scared! I don't know what to do. I want my mommy back!

Jeff wiped a few stray tears from his cheeks as Ben comforted him, rubbing his back soothingly. He folded the letter back up and placed it back in the envelope, resealing it. Everything started to make sense to Jeff now, he thinks he finally understands why storm is the way he is, why he became a creepypasta. Jeff stood up abruptly and turned to Ben

"I think I understand why storm is like this!" Ben raised his eyebrows as Jeff continued to speak "it seems to me his father was a raging alcoholic who killed his mother and beat him daily, which would probably explain most of his cuts and scars besides the self inflicted ones. I think as he got older he became more depressed and angry about everything and that all just built up inside him that one day he just snapped and killed his father"

"You gathered all that just from diary entries? Okay.. That still doesn't explain how he became one of us" Ben questioned Jeff

"Yeah, I haven't quite figured that out yet Ben. But we are about to find out." Jeff grabbed Ben's hand and quickly ran towards storm's room. This time, they weren't leaving until they got what they wanted.

That guy with the split personality. (Sequel) ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora