Fight! Fight! (Chappy 9!)

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I hope you are feeling loved right now. I am not in the best state at this point and I'm quite unstable, but I'm pushing it aside for you guys!



STORM'S POV: (surprise!!!!!)
I paced back and forth my room pulling my hair in frustration, how can I be so stupid! "ARGHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I threw my journal hard at the wall, it hit with a thud and pages fell out as it hit the floor. I was angry! No, furious! Why can't I control this? I can't believe I hurt Ben. I didn't mean to I swear! It's this stupid disorder that makes me do it..

I never asked to be like this! I don't want to hurt people, but at the same time it releases all my stress and pain. It feels so good, yet so wrong. When the blood of the innocent paint my hands I feel free, only to regret it later. I still don't quite understand what's wrong with me, but it's obvious it's not nothing. Whatever it is though... I LIKE IT! Wait, no I don't.

"FUCKKK!" My face boiled red with anger as I punched through the glass mirror and fell to the floor, squeezing the thin pages from my journal in my fists, feeling the red liquid trickle down my knuckles. Tears poured out of my scarred eyes and down my pale cheeks as I sunk into the floor surrounded by broken glass. Memories flashed through my mind as I thought about this morning in the bathroom with Ben, I completely lost control and hurt him! If Jeff finds out he'll kill me... Hm.... But not if I kill him first. A smirk tugged at my lips as I pictured myself slaughtering Jeff, slicing his head clean off with my machetes. No! I like Jeff. I need Jeff, I can't kill him! It just isn't right. "Fucking hell! Stop it brain please!" I scream again, clenching the paper tighter in my fists.

Pulling out a lighter I ignite the flame bringing it just underneath the journal, slightly burning the cover to a musky black. I'm just about to burn the rest when a hard thumping sound coming from the door startles me.


The hinges on the old wooden door shook and clanked each time my fist collided with it, sending shock waves through my hand. I grew more and more agitated as well as angry with each thump, it doesn't take that long to answer the door. Pressing my ear against the wood I heard rustling inside, indicating the guy was definitely in there. If he doesn't open this door soon I am going to break it down.


As if my nightmares were answered, the locks pops and the door swings open giving me a full view of storms messy cabin and his horrible bloody state, my smirk grew and he looked confused.

"Guess who!" I shouted latching onto his throat as I threw him into the wall, listening to his spine crack as it makes contact with the hard surface. Slamming the door, i sped towards him and picked him up, pinning him against the wall by the collar. I looked him in his stone cold eyes and even though they were remorseless I saw some sort of fear hidden beneath, he knew why I was here.

He grabbed my hand in attempt to loosen my grip but it only tightened "IM SORRY! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" He screamed in fear as I held him pinned.

"You hurt ben, and now... It's time to GO TO SLEEP!" I growled whipping my knife out of my back pocket and slashing it across his face, blood spurting out of the open wound. He clenched his hand over his cheek and howled in pain, wiping the blood from his face. Pulling out his machetes he attacked back, tackling me to the floor, we kicked and we punched before he drove both machetes into my shoulder blades pinning me to the ground. I screamed at the sheer pain pulsing through my body, my blood painting the carpet red. He grinned loosing his sanity, or whatever he had left of it

"You should have listened. But it's too late now, you are bleeding and I LIKE IT! Hahah" he laughed demonically picking up my knife, raising it above my head "SLEEP TIGHT JEFF!" Just as he goes to drive my knife into my chest, I knee him hard in the balls and he quickly rolls off crying out in agony. I take the time to rip both machetes from my shoulders and kick them away out of reach, then picking up my knife.

"I don't think so" a chuckle escaped my cold burnt lips. I turned to leave but something caught my eyes, I walked over to the broken glass mirror and bent down picking up what seemed to be a diary? It looked smokey and black, like it had been burnt. Flicking through some of the still intact pages I see journal entries. What the hell?

Placing it in my hoodie I turn back around and see storm struggling to his feet, his eyes met mine after he saw what I had put in my hoodie. He looked furious. But I don't really care.

"Give that back Jeff! That is mine, it belongs to me and it's personal. I won't hesitate to rip your spine from your asshole and hang you with it, now hand it over" his words were cold.

My eyes widened and I gave a sarcastic chuckle "pfft right, shut up you piece of shit!" I grinned throwing his machete and plunging it into his stomach, he coughed blood and fell back to the floor as he started to bleed out. I smiled wider leaving his cabin, closing the door behind me mumbling. "How pathetic"


I heard the door close and I quickly stood back up laughing hysterically. Oh how cute! Jeff, thinking he can kill me? My wounds start to heal and close up. Hahahaha, I pity him! He's weaker than I thought. I'll end him!

Wait no I won't! I'll just man up, walk down to his cabin and apologize. We can talk over a drink. Yes.

A drink? What the hell are we 12!? No, I'm going to rips his guts out!!!

No I won't, we can bro it out! Bro fist, right?

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? These mood changes are effecting my work. But one thing is for sure, I need to get my journal.

That guy with the split personality. (Sequel) ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora