Journal Entries (Chappy 10)

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I read through storms journal with a confused and baffled look on my face as Ben was applying stitches into my wounded shoulder blades. The guy got me good, I'll give him that. It was a clean shot, straight through the flesh. Luckily not hitting the bone.

I closed the journal and lifted it to my face, blowing some of the dust and smoke off the cover. Why would storm write about his killings, his life and keep them in a journal? It doesn't make sense to me at all. Re reading over all your kills every night isn't exactly the most sane thing to do, then again none of us actually are sane. We are murderers.

"Why would storm keep this?" I questioned Ben as he finished up the final stitch, cutting it with scissors.

"Who knows, maybe just to keep a record of his killings?" I sighed. Maybe, but the way he writes about it just seems a little.. Odd? He explains that he loves the feeling of killing someone but also hates it and feels sick afterwards. When I kill, it brings me nothing but joy and relief! I love it. But, why is he a creepypasta if he doesn't like his work or what he does for a living? There's just no point. There has to be more to his story.

"No way, something's not right Ben. I mean look at this, this had me fucked up. It reminded me somewhat of myself" I flicked through the pages until I got to journal entry 12, this one got me. I handed the book to Ben and he sat down beside me reading it carefully with furrowed brows

Entry 12:
June 5
Today . . . Today was the day I killed my father . . . I don't feel sad, like at all! but then again, I don't feel that happy either. I felt sick. But, I just couldn't let him live anymore. I killed the last person I had left in my family, the bastard had already killed mother. I keep seeing her face in my mind. I miss her. I'm now in the woods, found myself a tree to call home. It's not comfortable to sleep on a limb at night, but it will have to do.

Bens eyes were wide and slightly teary as he lifted his head up to look at me, he was just as shocked as I was! I took the journal and flicked forward a few pages to entry 16 before handing it back to Ben. He gave me a puzzled look and I only nodded "That's not all Ben...."

Entry 16:
June 9
Slender came by today, I had already moved into the cabin in the woods to live by myself. I found myself happy that I had someone to talk to, but then again I felt sad whenever he worried about me. I can't control my other self, I can only control me, the real me. But yet, here I am cutting myself adding more scars to the collection and bringing myself down.

"Slendy! Are you kidding? Slendy knew about storm, helped him and didn't even consult with us? How the hell did Slendy even come across this guy! And why is he helping him, he tried to kill us!" Ben threw the journal to the ground and stood up in frustration and confusion. He paced the room breathing heavily as he tried to piece the puzzle together. I was just as confused as he was, I didn't really understand slendys involvement or storms 'other self' as he calls it, but I want answers.

"Do you think all those scars on his face and such are battle scars or self inflicted? He did say in the journal he was cutting" I scratched my head awkwardly thinking back to when I first saw him at the pool, watching me. Come to think of it, why was he watching me? I am so confused.

"Irrelevant Jeff!" Ben snaps at me his eyes burning red with desperation and anger. I flinched and held my hands up in defense, I know not to mess with an angry elf.


Slenderman is involved with this storm guy and I want to know why. That moron had almost cost me and Jeff our lives and slender wants to help him? Give him everything he desires! You don't just keep this kind of secret from family. I was furious and desperate.

"Jeff? Jeff get up! We are going to storms room right now!" I flailed my arms and marched towards the door "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Jeff screams latching onto my waist pulling me back into his embrace. I growled and tried to swivel my way out of his grip, but it was just to tight. Eventually I gave up and become still, standing in Jeff's arms as he sat down on the bed pulling me next to him.

"No, Ben. No! Not tonight okay? We've caused enough disruption tonight and I don't feel like burying your dead body because he's ripped your head off." Says Jeff. I roll my eyes and sigh, reluctantly agreeing. He smiles and we lay down in bed together tangled in each other's arms.

"Fine. But tomorrow? I will get the answers we deserve."

Thank you to my dear friend, who's character (storm) I am using, for the diary entries that were used! :) it was great and the help was much appreciated

If you guys want to check out his WattPad page, you can surely do that! He has written his own book based on storm and it's worth reading if you want to understand more about the character. His user is Discord2696 :)

Also, thank you for being patient with me. I know I haven't updated in a bit. As things have gotten out of hand at home. My apologies!

Stay groovy! xx

That guy with the split personality. (Sequel) ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora