New friends and Anxiety (Chappy 7)

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I'm still laughing about the last chapter! Oh my god poor EJ, imagine being forced to dance for someone else's strip show? I would definitely cry! Anyway.. I glad people enjoyed it.

Also, as I am progressing with my sickness. Hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently. So that's a good thing right? :D


"Gee thanks jack for putting on a great show, your air thrusting was totally pulling all the ladies!" Ben squeaked hunched over, his hands on his knees as he laughed so hard he was crying. EJ stood there unamused, his armed folded over his still bare chest black tear stains still visible on his mask-less face. Oh the poor boy, he really was forced into it. I actually feel bad for him, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He'd think I'm some sort of remorseful person, I'm not.

"Offenderman said if I do it, he'd give me kidneys. If I knew he was lying, I would have told him to fuck himself. Knowing him he probably would of" he finished chuckling slightly removing the tie and pulling back on his dark blue hoodie.

"Oi!" Offenderman yells flipping jack off as he walks down the dressing room hall. The three of us fall into a pit of laughter. Soon after Jack had to leave and its Ben and I alone again. We decide to go up in deck and relax together, have a few drinks and meet other pastas.

We came across a few other killers including Suicide Squidward and Sonic EXE, they were quite nice guys apart from all the rubbing it in how many innocent people they've killed. But it past time so we didn't complain. By the time they left it was already 5 in the afternoon. Ben stood up and spoke "what another drink babe?" I nodded and he left towards the bar. I took this as a good opportunity to go to the bathroom since I was busting to go. I stand up putting my hood over my head, facing the ground and make my way to the restroom. Turning the corner to quickly I bump into a tall dark enclosed figure knocking me off my balance and onto the ground "argh! What the hell!?"

"My bad" the other voice spoke. It was dark and mysterious, almost giving me the chills. Standing up dusting myself off, I look up slowly and see the all to familiar dark red zip leather jacket. My breath hitches in my throat as I freeze. It's like being stuck in time, where everything around you just comes to a screeching halt. It was the guy that was watching me in the pool yesterday. I'm tempted to run but decide against it. And even if I wanted to, my body wouldn't let me.

"Are you alright?" He spoke again. I finally built up the strength to look up at meet his.... eyes? or what I thought were his eyes. It was hard to tell, his hood was preventing enough light to see anything. But I did see scars, a lot of them. Maybe he's blind? No, he can't be, and besides he didn't have the cane. Underneath his eyes was a black mask that covered his mouth and nose, which is probably why his voice sounded so deep. It feels so weird, being face to face with the man who stalked you. Something didn't feel right, but I pushed it aside. I stood there for a minute or two before finally speaking

"Y-Yeah.. I'm o-okay, s-sorry" I stuttered. I hate to admit it, but I was a little scared. Who is this guy? As if he had read my mind, he chuckled weakly and extended his gloved hand introducing himself.

"I am Storm Strike, call me Storm though if that's easier to remember. And you must be?...." He paused waiting for my response "Jeff" I took his hand and gave it a firm shake, he nodded and we let go, my hands dropping back to my sides as I put them in my pockets.

We spoke a little bit and got to know each other, he surprisingly didn't seem that bad of a guy so I let the pool incident slide and didn't bring it up. I went and did my business and then invited him to come sit with us since he didn't have any other plans for the night and neither did we. We walked back towards where Ben was sitting with the drink, I creeped up behind him and wrapped my arms around his small frame.

"Ben! We have a friend, I invited him over since he has nothing else to do and well, neither do we. This is Storm" I said cheerily.

Ben smiled and stood up putting his drink down on the table, he extended his hand and looked up. His eyes widened in fear and his face paled as he stumbled backwards tripping over the chair hitting the ground with a thud.

"Baby! Are you okay!?" I rushed to his side and helped him back on his feet. I looked over at storm and he looked a little confused, but then he gave a chuckle. I turned back to Ben and he started gasping, grabbing his throat gasping for air as if he couldn't breathe! "Ben!? What are you doing!?" He started to shake violently and I pulled him into my chest and held him tightly. "BEN! BEN STOP, BREATHE BEN!" I screamed as I gave storm pleading eyes for help. Why wasn't he helping me? He just stood there, then quickly started backing up before turning around and sprinting away.

"Storm! Wait!" I yelled, it was too late. He had already rounded the corner and left. What the hell? My attention is drawn back to Ben as he starts screaming in panic, his eyes rolled back into his head.

"BEN! BEN PLEASE, SHHHH ITS OKAY! IM HERE, IM HERE BABY! STAY WITH ME" I screamed with mercy, tears slipping down my pale blooded face. I held him so tight my body was turning numb, I started whispering to myself as I cradled Ben in my arms, rocking him back and forth gently. He stopped shaking and screaming within a few minutes and then looked up at me, I sighed with relief.

"What happened?" He whispered quietly as his red eyes met my black ones. I kissed his forehead and hugged him.

"You... you had a panic attack Ben... When you saw storm. Do you know him? Have you guys met before?" I asked a little confused. I don't understand? Ben has never had a panic attack before, ever! bens eyes widened again and he quickly looked down at the floor, avoiding my eyes.

"N-no....." He stuttered.


I hope that was okay?

Did you like it? I thought it was pretty decent, I'm not 100% happy, I might edit it a little later, depending on how I feel


That guy with the split personality. (Sequel) ON HOLD~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora