Chapter 6 - Double Take

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I feel like the universe is playing a little joke on me right now at my expense, and I'm having an out of body experience, as I helplessly watch everything unfold.

At some point, I catch him flipping through a file on the the table infront of him, and I realise that he is looking through my portfolio.

I shift in my seat, as 'Gregory', across from me, argues passionately with 'Nate', who is on the other side of the conference table, about a particular specification for a flight software, that is not meeting performance standards.

"Scale models, prototypes, handling qualities', these words are being passed around me.

I feel ambushed, like i opened a door that lead to a hill top, that i'm now falling off of, and i don't know how to stop falling.

I shouldn't be here. I didn't plan to actually take the internship, worse still, end up here in this room right now.

Thousand of questions come to mind, like how did Sofia get this internship, Did Marco know i was coming? He didn't look too surprised to see me, why am I in this room, in this meeting? I'm practically a stranger, should I even be privy to this information they are sharing?

The screen of the tablet flashes before me, and it momentarily snaps me out of my thoughts, as images of engines and other mechanical equipment come on display, and someone else starts to talk and explain things.

I quickly glance at Marco again, only to find that he is looking intently at the screen, but he suddenly looks up at me, but this time he looks back at the screen again before i look away first.

Then he starts talking, causing everyone to look in his direction.

As he speaks, I try not to focus on his face, or his voice, so I look at other parts of his body, like the way he is sitting, leaning back against the back of the chair at an angle, almost casual and cocky, i look at his fingers, long and thick, tapping the table with the tips, and occasionally swiping the screen.

I look at his whole hand, taking note of the size, the veins that are sticking out, and the hair at the back, and also on his wrist where the sleeve of the jacket is not covering.

I am not opposed to body hair on men, in fact, i find it to be sexy, and can't help wondering which other parts of his body has body hair.

Really Ella?

That's what you are going to be thinking about at this very moment?

My dad always said i have a curious mind, but i don't think these thoughts are what he had in mind when he said it.

I don't know how long i have been in my head, because the next thing i see, is people suddenly getting up from their seats, as the meeting is called to an end.

I stand up too, and clear my throat.

As most people begin to walk out, Silas lingers in the room, and i linger too, waiting for his next move.

I feel, more than see Marco come up behind me, and i turn around to face him, immediately being engulfed by his deep soul searching grey eyes.

"Hello" he says, and i notice that he is indeed, holding my file.

" you work here?" I ask, rhetorically, and he smirks

I mentally face palm myself.

Oh my God. That's a stupid thing to ask, ofcourse he works here...But i just don't know what else to say to him at this moment.

"...Has Silas assigned you your duties already." he asks, very formally.

"Actually, i was not sure where to place her, i have seen that her credentials are quite impressive, but she lacks experience, i thought i would take a day to see where she will be best suited' Silas answers, stepping up to us.

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