Chapter 62 - Lasting Lover

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A/N: This song👆👆🥰

Dad was scheduled to come to Hartford today, but due to bad weather, his flight was cancelled, and tomorrow being Christmas eve, it doesn't look like he will make it anyway, because all of the flights for the next few days are fully booked, so most likely, he won't make it here  until after Christmas.

On top of that, because i didn't check my phone before leaving for the airport, i missed Dad's calls and text message, informing me of the new development, so Riley and I, drove all the way to the airport, just to find out that he wasn't coming. after all.

After the wasted trip to the Airport, I dropped Riley off with Sofia ,and went my own way. 

Andy has not been to the hospital to visit my Mother in quite some time now, so i was surprised when a few minutes into my errands, a nurse from the hospital, whom I have become quite close to due to my frequent visits to my Mother,  called to inform me that both Riley and Andy are there right now.

So after doing abit more of the last minute Christmas shopping, I go there to pick them up.

At the hospital, on my way up to Mom's floor, I run into her doctor, and he seems very glad to have run into me.

"Ella, hai,  how are you?" he asks, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Dr. Baker......I'm good thank you, how are you." i respond.

"That's good to you have a minute, there is something I want to talk to you about." he says, his usual friendly smile still plastered on his face.

"Yeah, sure" I murmur, allowing him to lead me to his office.

Usually, when doctor's ask to speak to you privately, it's never good news, but i try to keep my spirit up as I follow behind him.

'Sit down." He gestures, once we are inside, and he does the same once I sit.

"Well, as you know, Mara's Condition has not improved, nor changed much for that matter." he starts, and my heart stops, then starts to beat fast.

"She has already beat some incredible odds by surviving the two bullets that went through her brain...but as you know, chances of  her acquiring a normal recovery are very slim" he says.

I already know this, fact, I have been told so many times before that you would think that it wouldn't affect me much at this point, but it does. 

I shift in my seat, as my mouth suddenly goes dry hearing it again.

"The thing is, at this stage that she is in, her being on complete life support that it, we cannot continue to keep her here in this hospital like and continue to provide the medical assistance that we have been providing. Medically, there is not much we can do for her except for wait, and on a financial basis, it's quite, you see, we need the bed space for other patients who are......." he says slowly, watching me closely.

"I understand." I murmur.

"There are some options you could putting her under long term care facility...there are a few places I can suggest, hey can continue to keep her on life support,  observe and monitor her progress, as well as provide almost all the medical assistance we are providing here, although, again, it's quite expensive........"

"And the other option?" I ask.

"The other option is to terminate all life sustaining measures....." he says solemnly.

"As you know, you father....." he continues, meaning Sebastian.

"...Has the Power of Attorney to make all medical decisions related to her health, and in this case, he makes the final decision on where we go from here. I already had this conversation with him this morning, but I just thought that I should discuss this with you personally aswell, so that I can answer any questions you may have." he says, after a long time of silence from my end.

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