Chapter 11- My Head My Heart

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Finally, in the comfort of my room, i soak myself in a warm bath, and stay there for as long as possible, while thoughts of today's weather serve as motivation to stay submerged in the warmth of the water.

Here, naked in this tub, i remember what happened with Marco earlier tonight, and can't help the deep blush that continues to appear every time the thought appears, my cheeks hitting up again, and I cover my face with my hands, as if to hide myself from the memory.

How can i ever unsee that?

I don't know why i am reacting like this, technically, he is not the first naked guy i have ever seen.

But definitely the most memorable.

My heart starts racing at the thoughts and images that start forming in my head, making me feel all randy and amorous.

Atleast now, i don't have to wonder where else he has hair on his body, i think to myself as more images start to form in my head.

"Oh my God, i'm going to hell" I say out loud, before sinking my whole body under water, to hopefully cleanse these impure thoughts from recurring.


My boxing gloves wrapped firmly around my hand, i give the punching bad a few more hits, before coming to a stop, and taking off the gloves off of one hand, so i can reach for my water bottle.

I twist my neck around, before emptying the water bottle of almost all it's contents into my mouth, then putting back the lid on it slowly and absentmindedly.

Even this vigorous workout session is proving to not to be effective in keeping thoughts of Antonella at bay.... because every now and then, my minds keeps coming up with things about her that I like, like the way she walks, talks, smiles, when she allows her self to smile.

I think about our first meeting on the roof, then her diving around in circles looking for this place, i wish i had been a bit more sober that night....i hate that i as good as missed out on the first night we spent together....

....Then I think about the morning after, and about her checking me out during the meeting at the office when she thought i wasn't looking.....then the road accident yesterday, and my impeccable timing in arriving...and more importantly, earlier tonight, when she came to my room by mistake, and a smile grows on my face at the memory.

We genuinely have alot in common, we have a similar academic experience in that we both finished school early, and had a degree before we hit twenty...I definitely want to get to know her more personally, more intimately, but the conversation with the guys earlier comes bouncing back in my mind, reminding me of the other reason i came for a workout session at night, in the middle of the week, when i usually don't.

"What" i ask, when the guys continue to stare at me, after Antonella's car disappears out of view, their silence doing little to conceal the obvious question on their minds.

"What do you mean what?" Roman utters, leaning against the door, with a curious grin on his face.

I turn around to face them.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asks.

"What do you mean?"

I ask nonchalantly, heading back into the house, and heading straight for the wine bar in the lounge.

I pour myself a glass of tequila, having it all in one go, i pour another one, take that one too, then turn around to face them again.

Aaron raises his eyes brows, waiting.

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