Chapter 12 - Go Home

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"So, what are you going to do, are you really going to quit?" Carmen asks, after i tell her about my interaction with Sebastian yesterday morning.

We are sitting by the pool side, sometime after diner, watching as Riley plays with his remote controlled toy boat, that's in the water.....He wanted a swim, but it's late now, and the weather is too chilly for that, so this was the compromise, thirty minutes at the pool then bedtime.

"Honestly, I don't know.....the last thing i want to do, is to give in to what he wants...but at the same time, i don't want to create unnecessary problems, which sucks because i kind of like it there now." i admit.

"The job, or being near Marco?" she grins.


I hate that i like him more and more, every time i see him, but now with Sebastian on my case about him, i feel like i have more reasons to stay away from already feels like it's getting too complicated for my liking.

"Oh, c'mon, please cheer up...i hate seeing you like this....can you just ignore that dirty old man, what does he know? he never makes sense half of the time anyway......." Carmen says, shaking my shoulder a little bit.

I turn, and give her my best smile.

"Incoming" Sofia shouts, diving into the pool, and causing a big splash that gets both me and Carmen wet.

Before we can say anything, another splash occurs, as Camilla jumps into the pool too, followed by Gracie, another one of Sofia's friends.

Riley, just about cries, as his boat is sent smashing into the wall of the pool, but luckily, it survives the impact.

"How come they get to go into the water, and i can't" he mutters.

"Because they are older, and you have bed time" i utter.

"It's not fair!" he grumbles, folding his arms over his small chest.

"Sometimes, life is not fair kid..." i say.

Life is not fair.


I wake up on Friday full of mixed emotions, about generally everything, and on top of that, i feel the craziest stomach cramps irrupting in my lower belly. I usually get cramps towards and during my periods, but it seems, my pees may arrive early this month, which will be no surprise, because i have been really stressed lately, and stress always messes up with my cycle.

Ignoring the discomfort, which i have learned to make peace with, i try to focus my mind on today's meeting, which i am abit anxious about. I will think about my everything else, afterwards.

Brenda told me, that most people like to wear casual clothes on Fridays, but because of the presentation, i decide to mix it up a bit, so i pair my jeans with a black long sleeved smart blouse, that i know always looks good on me.

Avoiding everyone in the house, i leave for work early again today.

At the office, i make my way to the conference room, where i assume i will be working from again until after the presentation is done.

Soon the others arrive, and we start to finish up on our assignment.

By lunch time, we are done, and i feel pretty confident and excited about our work...hell even my cramps have reduced, thereby, adding to my good mood.

Having finished early, we go across the street to for a quick lunch, but make sure to come back early.


At 2pm, we join a few other people in the lift, as we go up the building.

"So, where exactly is the meeting?" I ask, when no one presses a button for our stop, although a couple of buttons have already been selected by the people we found in the lift already.

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