Chapter 63 - Rewrite The Stars

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Today, will not be the first time that I will be on one the Bishop's private jets, the first being the time we flew to their Ranch house in Greenwich, so, as we make our way to the airport, in the company of one of the their drivers who came to pick me up, I expect to see the same jet we used last time.

But after we reach the private airspace we used even last time, I'm surprised to find that their is a different, smaller black and white jet waiting for us.

I get out of the car, and get escorted to the stairs.

It's cold and windy outside, and even though i'm wearing a sweater, the vicious weather, hits me hard, and i wish i can put on the overcoat i carried with me, but i notice that that along with my carry on bag, is already being carried on board, by someone else.

I didn't have to carry much stuff, because we will are scheduled to fly back later tonight, and will probably be back before midnight.

I did not tell Dad that i was coming to Boston because i want to surprise him, however, i did speak to him earlier today just to make sure he didn't make last minute plans to go somewhere, and he did confirm that he was spending the day at home. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me standing at our door steps a few hours from now.

Marco had said he would pick me up from home himself today, but ultimately, he was unable to due to a personal engagement but the driver that picked me up informed me that I will meet him here instead, and so as I go up the stairs, the butterflies in my stomach wake up from their slumber, as i anticipate seeing and being around him again.

In contrast to the outside, as soon as i step inside, I'm instantly enveloped by warmth, and the nice 'new car' scent of the private plane interior, that despite being smaller, is nevertheless just as luxurious and as the other one.

As i quickly scan the place, i start to appreciate again, the kind gesture that Marco has made, to offer not only his resources, but also his time, especially on Christmas eve, to go and pick up my father.

Despite trying with all my effort not to, i keep racking my brain, thinking and wondering if his new involvement in my life, means that he has had a change of heart about our future together.

As i walk further in, his voice echoes through the cabin, and carries over to my ears, drawing my attention to him.

He is on a phone call, a video call actually, but he looks up as i approach, while continuing to talk and keeping his eyes intently on me as i'm being led further into the cabin towards him and the other empty seats.

"Hello." i mouth, when i reach him, and he nods, his arm going across his torso, and then resting the elbow of his other arm on it, while his hand covers his chin with his thumb, and lower lip with his index finger.

He is sitting on a single seat on the left side of the jet, with a retractable table inbetween that is bearing his laptop and a few documents, as well as a glass, i think. His legs are spread apart, as he owns the space around him in that usual charismatic way of his.

Their are several other seats around, but this one looks directly at the entrance, and i think he deliberately picked it so he could watch me come in, the thought making me blush.

The air hostess, points to the cream white leather seat opposite him and gestures for me to sit in it.

I notice that on the left side of where he is, there is the similar type of chair arrangement, except the chairs are double seats opposite each other.

I notice that on the left side of where he is, there is the similar type of chair arrangement, except the chairs are double seats opposite each other

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