•Sophie's POV•
I woke up in the hospital AGAIN. This time Beau was sitting beside me. "Beau what're you doing here?" I asked him. He jumped at the sound of my voice and stood up as if he were making a speech and said "Sophie I am so so so sorry I put you through this"
I then realised he was part of the plan where his friends were hurting me again. "Beau you aren't like them stay away from them. You act like you care about me infront of me but when you're around your friends you act like a total dick! Where's Luke? I need him in here and you out of here." I spoke up. I'm quite proud of my statement. "I don't know where Luke is I came home from school early so I could come see you." Gina suddenly walked in. "Beau. Out." She immediately said as she saw Beau. "Soph we're going home now and we are going to get this sorted out" I nodded in response and got my stuff and we left the hospital.
When we got home Gina sat with me at the kitchen bench and asked me for the full story of what happend. "Well Luke was late for science and he got a detention for half of lunch. At about half of lunch I was expecting him to come over to me but he never did. Then Beau and his group of friends came over and started picking on me again. Then Beau gave me a 'sorry' look then one of his friends kicked me in the face. I was wondering where Luke was so I texted him. After like 6 minutes he didn't reply and I was feeling dizzy so I texted you asking if you could pick me up. I walked to the front gate and when you turned up I blacked out. I guess that's when one of the boys threw a rock at me." Gina looked so disappointed and shocked. "I'm going to invite them all over so we can sort this out later. It has got to stop. Sweetie you don't deserve this." I smiled lightly and gave Gina a massive hug.
Luke then walked through the door. "Oh my god Sophie are you okay?! I'm so sorry I wasn't with you at lunch I was tied up in the disabled toilets by Bradley when the boys were hurting you. I didn't reply to your text because my phone fell out of my pocket at the time! I'm so so sorry!" He basically yelled at me. I knew it wasn't to be rude though. "Luke Luke it's okay I'm fine" I spoke softly as I held him in a tight embrace.

I don't understand.
Novela Juvenil17 year old Sophie recently moved to Glenroy, Melbourne because of her parents divorce. She has to go to Penola where she meets her high school sweetheart, worst enemy and best friend for life. Throughout the year there are so many ups and downs. Wi...