Chapter 5: Thinking less keeps you out of my thoughts...

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   Feira's P.O.V.

   I ran into Zack while walking to third period and he stayed quiet as we walked into class together, "What's wrong Zack?" he smiled,

  "Thought you were mad at me," I scoffed,

  "Why would I be mad at you?" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck,

 "I did kind of get you lunch detention," I giggled,

"You didn't 'kind of' you totally got me lunch detention, but it's cool I probably would have went with you anyways," his eyebrow raised,

  "Oh? Because you have a crush on me right?" I shook my head,

  "In your dreams Perks," he chuckled and we picked seats in the back,

   "Man, that new teacher is pretty strict huh?" I nodded,

   "yeah, but can you blame him? I mean this school is pretty bad," he shrugged and class began. When the bell rang we quickly got our things and left for lunch detention,

  "Hello again Mr.Perks, Ms.Sisteen...and Ms.Robins," Mr.Vaughn said from behind his desk not even looking up to confirm his greetings were correct. Zack and i turned around to see Sarah standing there, she shoved passed us and sat at the very front row, pushing her breasts up,

  "Hello Mr.Vaughn, how has your morning been?" he sighed still not looking up from his computer. Me and Zack sat in the back again,

  "Between students who think they can get away with anything and customers who think they can walk over me and get excellent service, my morning coudn't get any better," his voice was dripping with sarcasm, I couldn't help but giggle and I saw him smile showing his perfect teeth but he didn't look away from his work, Sarah looked at me and mouthed 'Fuck off' I blew her a kiss and she turned back around,

  "Customers Mr.Vaughn? i didn't know you had another job," she tried to sound clueless so it was time to show her up, before he could answer I cut in,

   "He only said it to the whole class like three times Sarah, he owns a website where people can order flowers and get them the next day, also on the website he puts up a daily rose and gives the meaning of it's color, but I'm sure you're just trying to make conversation," she looked at me with pure hate in her eyes, and let me tell you if looks could kill I'd be six feet under. Mr.Vaughn finally looked away from his work and looked straight at me I gave him a gentle smile and he returned it, then looked at Sarah,

  "There's your answer," Zack whistled,

  "Burn," then he covered his mouth with his hands to make it sound like was on an intercom,"Apply water to the affected area," I laughed at that and Mr.Vaughn smiled brightly at me, making me redden, I hope he didn't notice.

  "Alright, that's enough of that, get out what ever work you have or sit there quietly," he tried to hide the smile that was begging to break lose and I did the same. From here I could tell Sarah was crimson red and she was shaking of rage, that's when I realized I made a big mistake...I was in some serious shit when I got home. ...

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