Chapter 10: Waiting isn't in my job description...

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  Derek's P.O.V.

   I watched as they pulled her away, she lied to me. It hurt even though I knew I shouldn't feel anything for her, why would she lie? I walked back into he classroom where Zack approached me,

  "Where is she?" I sighed,

 "She left with them," his face reddened,

"How could you let her leave with them? Do you know what they're going to do to her? They're going to hurt her, and you just let her leave?" he was yelling,

  "Zack, calm down, I couldn't just pull her away from her legal guardian. She also said she was willing to go, so in theory, I couldn't do anything if she said nothing happened and left on her own," I realized what I said and slapped myself mentally...I'm an idiot, "Mrs.Coral, may you-"

  "i've got your classes covered," I smiled at her then turned to start running down the hall and out the front door, when I got my car I heard running behind me,

 "Damn you run fast," I chuckled,

 "Hop in," he nodded and got in and he gave me the directions to Feira's house. When we got there we heard yelling, why hadn't the neighbors called the police. We got out of my car and ran up the steps. I began banging on the door and Zack ran around back. All the yelling subsided and someone answered the door,

  "Mr.Vaughn, how may I help you?" it was Sarah she had on a flirtatious smile...I can play her game,

 "I needed to see you," she looked at me wide eyed, I just need to distract her long enough so zack can sneak Feira out, "There's something about you Sarah, I can't put my finger on it, but your all I ever think about anymore," her mouth hung open slightly then she leaned against the door frame,

 "Derek Vaughn," she said slowly rubbing a hand down her side, "I knew you couldn't resist, no one can," she opened the door fully and aloud me to walk in,

 "What the hell is he doing here?" her father asked,

 "Don't worry daddy, he's mine," she said grabbing my hand, I clenched my jaw and tried to look relatively normal,

  "Well bring him in dear, are you thirsty sir?" a woman asked walking into the room, I'm guessing Feira's mother,

 "No that's fine th-"

  "Okay, him and I are going upstairs now," Sarah cut me off and began tugging on my arm. That's it I can't take it anymore,

  "Actually I can't stay Sarah, I just came to tell you how I felt and now that I have I must return to school," she frowned but nodded,

 "Okay,but you'll come by tonight right?" she licked her lips and I felt like throwing up,

 "Here's my number," I slipped her a piece of paper and walked out the front door, how can she do that in front of her dad, and all he was doing was smiling? Sick bastards, I looked at my car to see Zack sitting in the back holding someone...Feira. I ran to the car and got in,

 "Is she alright?" I turned to see he was crying,

  "Drive to the nearest hospital," I didn't ask anymore questions but sped off and praying to who ever was up there to help her. I knew I was speeding and it was a miracle I wasn't pulled over,then I heard a low groan,

 "Where are we going?" her voice was barely loud enough for me to hear,

 "To the hospital," Zack answered back his voice was raspy,

 "No!" she suddenly yelled, "Please no! Take me back, they're going to kill me!" Zack kept her laying down,

 "Shhhh, it's alright, we won't tell the doctors it was them okay?" I gave him a what the hell look in the mirror and he looked back but kept on talking to her, "We'll tell them it was an accident, we were late for school and had to jump the fence, you fell and I ran to get Mr.Vaughn for help, that's all that happened," I would have said something to that but what he was saying was calming her down.

  When we arrived at the hospital I took Feira out of Zack's arms as he ran in and got help, soon a doctor and two other men with a stretcher ran out and took her from me,

 "What happened?" the doctors asked me and I couldn't speak I looked down at Feira and saw how hurt she was, and I couldn't speak, he nodded and told the men to take her to the E.R. and me and Zack had to wait in the waiting room.

  Hours passed and we came to the conclusion of calling her mother and letting her know where her daughter was. When I told her she cussed me off but showed up with her husband by her side,

 "I have half a mind to call the police on you for kidnapping her," she said when she got close enough so only the four of us could hear,

 "But you wouldn't because if you did I'd call them for child abuse," she scoffed,

 "She isn't a child she's eighteen so-"

 "Actually, she's seventeen, sad how you don't even know your own daughter," Zack pitched in and it shut her up,

 "So, what are you telling the doctors?" her husband asked and for the first time he actually looked scared for his own ass,

  "I have an idea," Zack answered, "We'll tell them it was an accident, but she lives with me, and you sign the adoption papers over to my mom," the man looked like he was going to strangle Zack, but then he smiled,

 "Fine, she's all yours, you'll see what a no good piece of shit she is and start beating her," I fought as hard as I could not to knock his lights out,

 "I would never do that, because I love her," my heart stopped when I heard that but the man just huffed and went to speak with the doctors and soon left,

 "You love her?" I couldn't help but ask,

 "Always have, she's like a little sister to me and she doesn't deserve this," I couldn't help but smile even though tears rolled down his cheeks,

 "Mr.Vaughn, Mr.Perks, may I speak with you?" the doctor from earlier asked, "I understand that a Mary Perks is now the legal guardian of this girl?" we nodded, "Then she must be present so we may release her," we nodded again and Zack took out his phone and made a call,

 "How bad is it?" the doctors sighed,

 "She was pretty beat up," he raised his eyebrow at me, "Must have been a pretty high fall. She cracked a couple ribs, sprained her right ankle, and had a mild concussion, the rest were just bruises and small cuts, she'll be fine and well in about two weeks," I smiled a thank you at him and he left to the back,

 "Hey my mom's on her way," Zack said and I sat on a chair,

 "Does your mom know she has a daughter now?" he nodded,

 "I've been planning this for awhile, but it's never been this bad," we waited another fifteen minutes and his mom arrived, she walked over and stuck out her hand,

 "You must be Mr.Vaughn, i'm Mary Perks, come on let's get her home," I took her hand and shook it, then we signed some papers and Feira was brought out in a wheel chair.

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