Chapter 6: Detention is my favorite part of the day...

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 Derek's P.O.V.

  All through out detention I had to fight with myself to keep my eyes off her, but she was making it so hard, she would do these little things that would make me want to pinch her cheeks. She's driving me crazy and I don't even know how she does it, I've only known her name for a matter of hours but I want to know it for ever. Someone clears their throat and i look up to see Sarah standing in front of my desk,

  "may I go to the restroom?" I shook my head,

  "I'm letting you guys out in five minutes," Feira looked up,

  "But lunch on Mondays are an hour long," I nodded,

  "I'm not going to deprive you guys of your food," she looked away, I hadn't meant to snap but i was frustrated that i couldn't tell her how she made me feel,

  "Hey, she was just trying to let you know," Zack said in a matter of fact tone,

"I am sorry for my tone Ms.Sisteen,the day has already taken a tole on me," she nodded without looking up and I sighed, "You are excused," right when the words left my mouth Sarah shot up and ran out of the room, Zack whispered something in Feira's ear and she nodded then got up and walked over to me,

   "is alright if Zack and I eat lunch in here?" I gave her a questioning gaze,

 "Why would you want to eat lunch with a teacher?" she shrugged,

  "We usually eat it with Mrs.Carol but she's in a staff meeting, it's no problem, thanks anyways," she turned to leave,

  "No it's fine, the company would be nice," she nodded and smiled and Zack left to go buy both their lunches, she stayed behind, so now it was just me and my classroom...God was punishing me,

  "I think it's pretty cool that you like flowers," she said as she sat on one of the desks,

  "I think they," she nodded,

  "How long have you had the website?" I got out my lunch and began eating, offering her a coke, she took it with a smile,

  "About a year now, it sort of calms me in a way, I don't know how to explain it," she nodded in understanding,

  "No I get it, running helps calm me, I do it when ever I get a chance," I took a bite of my food,

  "Where do you run?" she gave a weak smile,

  "Away," she said in the most quiet voice, I was going to question her about it but Zack walked in and tossed her a sandwich, which she opened and began eating. Zack hadn't said much but her and I spoke about the school and how all three of us concluded it was a very horrible school, these kids weren't that bad, but I could see why they ate with teachers, they were different.

  "You guys are mature for your age," they both laughed, "What,"

  "I think we are very immature for our age," Feira answered,

  "Why would you say that?" she finished her coke and threw her trash away then returned to the desk,

  "All the girls her, they're mature, like they think they are adults and have 'needs' and think they can do what adults do, but they shouldn't. I consider myself a kid, I'm not ready for adult 'needs' and I know that I'm doing the right thing by waiting," I nodded at her little speech and Zack pitched in,

  "By 'needs' she means sex," I chuckled,

  "I know," she blushed and i could tell she was as innocent as she looked because she was uncomfortable with the word, "So, all the girls her have...'needs'?" she shrugged,

  "Most of them, yes" I shook my head and the bell rang, "Thank you for letting us eat in here," I smiled,

  "Anytime, you guys are actually really nice company," Zack smiled,

  "Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow for first period and lunch detention?" I chuckled,

  "Sounds good see you then," they got up and walked toward the door,

  "Good bye Mr.Vaughn, hope your day goes better and I'll be sure to check out your website tonight," I nodded,

  "Goodbye Feira and thank you," she blushed just the slightest bit and walked out of the door, today just got better.

Mr.Trouble-Maker (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now