Chapter 16: Truth Is...It Matters

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  Feira's P.O.V.

    I walked away from the two of them with a smile on my face, if I hadn't seen the disgust on Derek's face I wouldn't be so happy, but it was just too funny. I went through what I needed to until lunch time rolled around, Zack said he'd meet me in Derek's class with my lunch so I began walking there. When I got there Derek was sitting behind his desk with his eyes glued to his computer and his face merely inches from the screen I giggled,

 "You're going to hurt your eyes you know?" his head snapped up and in my direction, and he smiled,

 "Just getting some work done on the website," I nodded and sat on one of the desks,

 "How's it going with that?" he shrugged,

 "Same as always, business is booming," I nodded again and I remembered the conversation we had in the restroom and felt myself begin to blush, "I wanted to talk about earlier..." he stopped and my heart paused as well, was he going to take back what he said? Was he just saying that so I wouldn't tell anyone what I saw? Because if that was the reason it worked like a charm,

 "What about it?" I barely whispered and he stood,

 "Are you okay?" I sighed,

 "Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?" As soon as the words left my mouth Zack walked in,

 "And the food has arrived," I smiled at him but Derek stood in front of me,

 "Stay a little longer after lunch is over, I really need to talk to you," My heart began to race but I played as cool as I could,

 "Okay?" I kind of snapped and he raised an eyebrow at me,

 "So, what are the plans for when you go home Fei?" I shrugged,

 "Studying I guess, why?" he looked at me then took a bite of his sandwich,

 "Just wondering why you didn't want to go to this dinner with me and my mom, you seemed kind of excited about it yesterday," I looked at Derek to see a smile on his face as he nonchalantly drank his soda...damn it Zack,

 "Yeah, I was excited because the guy's son is like the hottest guy on Earth but your mom told me he isn't even going to be there, so i lost interest," that took the smile off of Derek's face and he glared at me. I looked at him and gave him a ' what the hell' look and he returned it,

 "Come on the guy is not even that hot, I'm way hotter," I laughed at that and we finished lunch. The bell rang and Zack shot out of the room saying something about a hotty with a nice body waiting for him, I shook my head and so did Derek,

 "So, what did you want to talk about?" he looked at me and his face went serious,

 "I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it over today," I faked a gasp,

 "No surprise there. What? Did you get another hook-up you need to speak with about new techniques," his face hardened and his jaw clenched,

 "where the hell did that come from?" I shrugged,

 "Hey, I just figured you'd wait til after school so this time someone won't walk in and you'd have to lie to them so they'd keep their mouth shut," he blinked a few times then spoke,

 "You think I lied about liking you? And just so you wouldn't tell anyone about what you saw?" I chuckled but there was no humor in my voice,

 "For a teacher your pretty slow," he clenched his fists,

 "And for an honors student your pretty fucking dumb," okay, I'll admit...that one hurt, and I stayed quiet while he kept on talking, "What kind of piece of shit, low life scum do you think I am? I can't make it because my sister wants to come over, what the hell is wrong with you?" I was taken back by what he said and I just walked out, girls pushed me out of the way to get into his class and I pushed back, fighting my to get out of it.

 When I got to fourth hour I got a text from Derek,

 What the hell was that about? I read it and sighed,

I just don't know if I could trust that someone like you would like someone like me... I sent it with shaking hands and in a matter of seconds he text back,

 Someone like me? Someone like you? What does that mean? I looked at it for awhile then began typing,

 You=hot,smart,funny,kind,caring,can get any girl you want, interesting,...perfect... Me=ugly,weird,immature,a kid,someone who deosn't have the best body or the most money,doesn't stand a chance with someone like you, ... yet you're saying you like me, that kind of stuff just doesn't happen to girls like me... I sent it and he didn't reply back until ten minutes later,

 You are not ugly! I love that you are weird because I am too, and I think you are very mature for your age and even if you weren't I'd be okay with that too. I'm only a couple years older than you so no you aren't a kid to me. You have an amazing body Fei and I don't care how much money you have, I couldn't care less how much money you have. And it's me who doesn't stand a chance with you. Don't believe for one second what I am feeling or telling you isn't real because it is, and if it means that much to you I'll tell my sister to come over tomorrow, okay? I must of reread it like a hundred times and when I finally realized he must be waiting for a responce I got to typing,

 No, don't make your sister change her's okay, and thank you Derek...I'm sorry I was a complete bitch to you when you were only being nice. I waited for his text like it was a life or death situation.

 Non-sense, I'll call her after this period and I forgive you, apparently I didn't make my feelings as clear as I could more thing... I waited for another text to follow but it didn't so I responded


 You weren't serious about going to that dinner party for a guy were you? I laughed and got a couple stares from people but just shrugged it off,

 Why does it matter?

It matters and I'll take that as a yes...): I smiled at the text but even more at the face, he was jealous? Wow, maybe he does really like me...

 No...I wasn't going to go for some guy..he's gay anyways, but shhh no one knows :) 

So...there's a better chance he'll go after me than going after you? :D

You seem a little too happy about there something you aren't telling me?

Hey! I'm not gay if you are seriously considering it

Right, no it's cool if you are, but there goes my chance with you He didn't text back for awhile and by the time I went to fifth I thought about just texting him instead but he text me,

 You want to be with me? My heart stopped and my cheeks flamed, thank god we weren't face to face i would have looked like a fire truck, and only for the reason we were texting did I have the balls to tell him the truth,


Good ^_^ Was what he sent back and I looked at it...that's it as if reading my mind he text again. I want to be with you too... And just like that my heart exploded into a million pieces and I sank in my seat trying to calm my breathing. He wanted to be with me too? Yes!

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