Chapter 17: Lip Biting

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   Derek's P.O.V.

It had been about an hour since school ended and I already called my sister to tell her I had to serve detention and that she could come over tomorrow, she happily agreed and I felt my heart race at the thought of having alone time with Feira. I had began grading some papers when I got a text from her,

 Hey, they just left...if your sister was okay with rescheduling and everything you can come over now.

I'm on my way (: 

 I smiled and cleaned up my dest before grabbing my keys and locking up my room. While I was driving I thought of all the ways it could go wrong but my mind just kept on reeling in the idea of me and Fei becoming a couple, I mean she was going to be eighteen soon so technically we'll only be breaking the whole student-teacher professional relationship thing instead of that and me being with a minor.

 Okay, yes I was just talking non-sense because I was so damned nervous about seeing her. How can a girl do this to me? This has never happened before and honestly it kind of scares me. When I arrive at her house I turn off my car and sit there for a second before getting out and walking to the front door. I rang the door bell and it only took Fei a minute or two to open it,

 "Sorry, I was in the restroom," she said then realized what she had told me and blushed lightly,

 "Is it okay if I come in?" I asked because she didn't look like she wanted to speak after what she said, which wasn't that bad if you ask me, I mean I don't know why girls get so nervous when speaking about stuff like that it's not like it's abnormal- okay, I seriously need to stop doing this,

 "OH, uh, yea, sorry," I chuckled as I walked by,

 "You don't have to be sorry every thirty seconds Fei," she nodded,

 "Sorry," I chuckled again and walked into the kitchen she followed and sat on the counter, "Are you hungry?" she asked as i simply walked around,

 "I don't know are you going to make something for me?" I joked and she rolled her eyes and mumbled,

 "Men," I glared at her playfully,

 "I heard that," she smiled innocently at me and i expected her to deny it but instead she huffed,

 " what do you want?" I smiled at her before sighing and placing a finger on my chin as if I was in mid-thought,

 "What do I want? Huh, maybe, something sweet?" she giggled,

 "Are you asking me or telling me you want something sweet," I shrugged,

 "Asking you if you can make me something sweet," she shook her head but laughed,

"Nutella crepes?" I nodded frantically and she giggled before she began cooking. I love Nutella, it's very addicting though and apparently Fei agreed because i saw her run her finger over the inside of the lid and lick it clean,

 "As a cook you aren't supposed to do that you know?" she shrugged,

 "Well, you are my guest, so I had to make sure it wasn't poisoned or something, your welcome," I smiled brightly as she began cooking, and I leaned against the counter watching as she skillfully flipped the pancake looking creation and place it on a plate then spreading Nutella on it and slices of bananas, rolling it up and sprinkling powder sugar on it. She did that several more times until the big plates was full and then finally turned everything off and placed it on the kitchen table.

 We sat there and ate for a little bit in silence, which wasn't awkward considering we did eat in front of each other a lot and I was too busy stuffing my face with this delicious food to communicate anyways,

 "I take it I did good?" she said with a smile of pride on her face and I sighed as i finished my glass of milk,

 "Nah, I've had better," I was joking and I smirked at her she returned it and stood up,

 "Have fun cleaning the dishes," I stood up too,

 "No way are you going to leave me with all those," she looked at me,

 "Hey, you didn't once offer to help cook, so now you are stuck cleaning,"

 "Well, I didn't want to get in the way of your, you know awesomeness," she laughed and I raised my eyebrow,

 "Your a high school teacher and all you came up with for an excuse is 'awesomeness'?" I gave a cocky smile,

 "Awesome vocabulary huh?" she shook her head, laughed and began walking out of the kitchen,

"Hey, I'm not doing the dishes," she laughed and began skipping to her room,

 "Yes, you are and I'm not going to acknowledge you until you do," I scoffed,

 "So, you're going to ignore me until I do the dishes?" she laughed and got to her room with me close behind,

 "Exactly," I grabbed her arm and pressed her against the wall with my chest and she gave the slightest gasp and i smiled,

 "So, if I do this you're just going to ignore it?" I saw her bite her lip as she looked away, anywhere but at me, so I leaned in so my lips barely grazed her ear, "What if I got closer huh?" I felt her heart quicken because our chests were pressed against each other. I laughed at how stubborn she was being, "Okay, what about this?" I asked as I pressed my lips on her jaw. I felt her tense and heard her swallow but she didn't say anything, so I let my lips trace all over her jaw line and up to both her cheeks. Her eyes were closed tightly now, "And this," I lightly bit her earlobe and I think I felt her shutter or maybe that was me, ah hell I couldn't tell because we were so close and honestly I didn't care. My teeth grazed her skin as my mouth dropped to her neck and I smiled triumphantly when I saw goosebumps appear,

 "Derek," she whispered and my smile got bigger, yes! She finally broke! I was happy with myself until I heard her next words, "I was serious about you doing the dishes," she pushed me away as I stood there shocked, and I'll admit I felt hurt that she pushed me away but I knew she was joking when I heard her laugh and close her bedroom door and lock it. I chuckled to myself and shook my head, walked to the kitchen and got started on the dishes.

   When I was nearly done with the dishes I felt arms wrap around my stomach, "Thank you," I heard Feira whisper into my back, I whiped my hands off and she let go so I could face her,

 "Did I seriously have a choice?" she giggled and shook her head. I smiled at her and took a step closer, she lightly bit her lip and I have to say that all it was doing was making me want to kiss her more than I already do. I leaned in and placed my hands on either side of her body while she leaned against the counter. My lips barely touched her lips as if asking for permission and she leaned in the rest of the way, letting her lips come in full contact with mine.

 Her lips were soft and sweet, they tasted like watermelon, and as our lips moved in sync I slightly opened my mouth and she did the same, taking my bottom lip in her mouth and lightly biting it...nice to know she's a lip biter...

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