Chapter 12: Two Weeks Later...

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 Derek's P.O.V.

   It's been two weeks tat Feira has be out of school but today is going to be her first day back. I spoke with May and agreed on tutoring her so she could catch up with the rest of the class, although I would have done it because it was her. I visited her often and watched as she slowly go better, she smiled brighter everyday. She stopped looking at my website and I was confused about that, she seemed pretty interested in it, but it wasn't a big deal,

  "Hello Mr. Vaughn," I recognized her voice and looked up to see her beautiful face all healed and perfect,

 "Hello, Ms. Sisteen," she giggled and I smiled, I normally called her Fei but things were back to being school appropriate,

  "How was your weekend?" I shrugged,

 "It was busy between the website and such things," when I mentioned the website her smile shrunk but she nodded and took a seat,

 "What up Derek?" I smiled and shook my head at Zack,

 "That's Mr.Vaughn sir," he chuckled and took a seat next to Fei.

 I began class and would occasionally look at Feira who didn't even look up from her desk, what was wrong with her? I will ask her during lunch. When class ended Zack and Fei packed their things slowly as they always did and walked t my desk when everyone was gone,

 "So, we'll see you during lunch right?" I shrugged,

 "I don't know I think Ms.Williams wanted to sit and have lunch in her class, but you are more than welcome to eat in here," I saw Feira' head drop and I clenched my fists, all I wanted to do was hold her close,

  "Alright, thanks, see you tomorrow then," they began walking and I sighed,

 "Fei, may I speak with you?"

 "I'm going to be late sir," Sir? What the-

  "'l'll speak with Ms.Coral about it and from what she tells me she isn't holding you accountable for the missing wok so it's not like you're failing" he sighed and Zack left, "Now, what's wrong?" she shrugged,

 "I don't know what you mean," i shook my head,

 "Don't give me that, I may not have known you that long but I now when something is wrong, it's kind of obvious, so hat is it?" she cocked her head,

 "Look, I really don't know what you are talking about," I sat on my desk and ran a hand through my hair,

 "Fei, I care about-" I almost told he i cared about her...she looked up at me an I shifted on my desk," how you feel, with everything that happened between your family and the work you are going to have to do to catch up, you have to be ready to face it headstrong," she nodded and her head dropped again, was she hoping I'd say I cared about her? No, stop thinking like that she's your student, but I do care about her and I head to see her like this,

 "Alright, I really need to get to class though," I sighed again but nodded,

 "I'll see you at lunch,"she looked up and there was something in her eyes, maybe hope?

 "I thought you had a date with Ms.Wlliams?" I chuckled and it almost looked like she blushed,

 "A date? No, she wanted to talk about some new techniques and what ever else goes on in her overly happy mind," she giggled and I smiled,

"Oh, well then I guess I'll see you at lunch?" I nodded and she left the room.

  Twenty minutes into my free period there was a knock on my door,

 "Come in," I said not looking up from my computer screen, I heard the door open and then shut with the sound of heels getting closer to my desk, I look up and my eyes widen...

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