Chapter 18: I Know Your Game...

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  Feira's P.O.V.

      There I was...standing in my kitchen...pressed against the counter...kissing my teacher. That didn't sound so bad did it? Oh, who am I kidding? It was that bad, but so freaking good at the same time! I lightly bit his lip and he smiled against my lips. I let go and broke the kiss to see him take a step back and look at me,

 "I'm sorry I-I shouldn't have-" he stuttered and i smiled,

 "Hey, I stopped kissing because I need to breathe," he smiled and pressed himself against me again,

 "Did I ever tell you my fear of rejection?" I laughed,

 "The only reason you have a fear of it is because you've never experienced it," he leaned his forehead against mine and chuckled,

 "I've experienced it plenty. Now, should we talk about this?" I closed my eyes and waited for him to back away and tell me he had made a mistake but he stood there right with me, our skin making contact and driving me crazy. While his breath repeatedly hit my lips,

 "I'm not going to lie to you and say I regret it," I heard myself say and blushed, he chuckled though,

 "Good, but i don't regret it either, and I was wondering if you'd go out with me a date," I opened my eyes and saw his staring back at me with hope of me agreeing and I'd be an idiot not to,

 "A date? If we get seen together we could get in a hell of a lot of trouble," he nodded against my head and moved back resting against a counter in front of me,

 "I know but my friend owns this nice little restruant, and i'm sure if i pull a few strings I can get the whole place reserved for us, so all you have to do is come up with an excuse and show up with your beautiful self," I smiled at his compliment then shrugged,

 "Okay, yeah, I'll go on a date with you," he laughed,

 "You sound as if you are trying to convince yourself you want to go.If you don't want to go you don't have to you know?" I nodded,

 "I want to go," i said clearly and he smiled brightly,

 "Okay, so i'll text you with the information?" I nodded again with a goofy smile on my face and he licked his lips, "So, when are they supposed to be back?" I looked at the clock then back at him,

 "Not for another three hours, why?" he looked toward the living room,

 "I don't know, want to watch a movie?" I pushed off the counter and walked toward the living room and the movie case with all my favorites there,

 "Your pick or mine,"

 "Mine, and we are watching this one," I watched as he picked out a scary movie and smiled.

  We sat there on the couch and "watched the movie" in reality we just sat there and talked while the movie was playing on in the back round. When it ended he stood and stretched, I looked at the clock and yawned,

 "They should be on there way," he nodded and put on his shoes,

 "I think that's the message to leave," I giggled,

 "Yeah, that would be a good idea," he finished up and I walked him to the door,

 "I'll see you at school?" I laughed and he blushed slightly,

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