I | This is Berk

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This is berk.

It's twelve days north of hopeless, and few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of misery.

My village. In a word, sturdy. And it's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new.

We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitos. We have...

A large figure swoops down snatching a sheep. Another following it shooting fire out its mouth.


Third person pov:

"Cmon! We need to get out in the battlefield!" A tall male rushes grabbing all weapons he could find. "I'm not going out there" The [h/c] haired girl raise a brow "I have no training. Going out there is just me asking to get killed." the older brother rolled his eyes. "I know! I don't wanna go out there neither but you know I have to. Go to that weapon shop and help that other boy. He's always slow." The girl puts her hands up "fine."

Walking out the house her ears were quickly filled with roars from the dragons and yelling from the villagers. Houses were lighting up in flames, and explosions can be heard from everywhere.

"Hurry up and go [reader]!" Her older brother yelled, pushing me forward. His name is Erik. Her mother watched her from inside the window worriedly, and her father came rushing out the door quickly after them. They're family were one of the least liked of the village due to they're.. lack of hatred for dragons. Yet they still did what they could to fight them off, people told them to stay out the way.

[Reader] started speed walking gradually going faster and faster until she was full on running. She made eye contact with a dragon before it shot at her. She fell on the floor harshly, feeling a body on top of her. She felt the body get up and slowly opened her eyes seeing a blonde haired girl. The blonde offered a hand to help [Reader], and she took it. The blonde pat [reader]s back making sure she was okay.

"Be careful [reader]" she said letting go of her "I wouldn't want anything happening to you" the blonde ran off "thank you Astrid!" [Reader] called, turning to continue walking.

When she finally made it to the weapon shop she put her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. She felt her throat burning from inhaling the heat of the fire and the fact that she's almost out of breath.

"Oh, you're here [reader]? I wasn't expecting you to come today." A scrawny boy with brown hair said, "my brother made me come. I didn't want to" [Reader] rolled her eyes. He only smiled putting an arm full of weapons on the counter. People came rushing over taking weapons using them against the dragons.

[Reader] wrapped an apron around her waist, grabbing weapons to sharpen them.

"Hello lads!" Gobbers voice echoed. "Nice of you to join!" He looked at Hiccup "I thought you'd been carried off" he laughed "who me?" Hiccup looked at him confused "nah, Cmon! I'm way too muscular for their taste! They wouldn't know what to do with all of...this" He posed trying to flex his arms. [Reader] laughed, putting the now sharpened tools on the table.

"Well they need toothpicks, don't they?"

"FIRE!" Was shouted from a few buildings away. The few other teens my age came down with buckets of water to put out the fire.

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