X | The end

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It has been a little over a week since the battle with the Red Death and Hiccup had yet to wake up from his sleep. Everyday [reader] grew more worried, overthinking if something were wrong. Stoick and many others were always there to comfort her, and she'd always remind herself that Hiccup was strong. [Reader] walked in her house dropping off some fish she caught at the docks. Her mother came in happily. "Look, [reader]!" She points to the door where a Monstrous Nightmare peaks it's head through the door. Her mom hugs the dragons head. "Isn't he wonderful." [Reader] smiled at her mother.

"Also... Hiccup woke up." [Reader]s face lit up. She brush past her mom and her moms new dragon, racing towards the Haddock house. She could see a small crowd around the entrance and soon saw Stoicks arm around a scrawny figure.

"Hiccup!" [Reader] tackled Hiccup into a tight hug nearly knocking him off his feet (the only reason they didn't fall was cause Toothless caught them). "You had me so worried." Hiccup laughs, returning the hug.

When they pulled away [reader] looked away nervously. "Well-" [reader] grabbed the collar of Hiccups shirt pulling him in for a kiss. "Well... I could get used to this." Hiccup blushed, and smiled sheepishly.

Gobber revealed a new and improved saddle and tail for Toothless. "Welcome home."

Toothless jumps around the crowd crushing Vikings under his weight. "Night Fury, get down!"

Toothless eyes his tail excitedly nudging at it. Hiccup and [reader] share a smile.

Hiccup clicked his metal foot in getting Toothless ready. [Reader] sat already in position with Ivory. "You ready?" Hiccup asked. Toothless snorts 'yes'. Hiccup and [reader] nod at each other looking down at their changed world.

This... is Berk.

It snows nine months of the year... and hails the other three.

They take off into the bright blue sky, together as one. [Reader] turned her dragon upside down messing with Hiccup hair a bit.

Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so.

Hiccup and [reader] race through the village avoiding obstacles. Diving under bridges, through the caves, over the rooftops, and between ships, almost like a romantic dance of some kind.

The only upsides are the pets. While other places have...ponies or parrots, we have...

The rest of the teens join the two as they fly high above the village. The northern sky swirls looked beautiful with the bright orange-yellow sun and the multicolored dragon. Hiccup and [reader] pulled slightly away from the group. "You did it, Hiccup." Hiccup reached his hand out to pet Ivory's head. "WE did it." Hiccup took [reader]s hand in his for a second then pulled away. "Together."

... dragons.

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