VII | Romantic flight

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A Gronckle hovers above the rink catching its victims to a scramble. Astrid ducks and dodges barriers racing to [reader]. "So, what's your plan [reader]?"

[Reader] didn't have enough time to speak before the Gronckle blasts through the barrier knocking her over. Before the Gronckle could aim its blast at her and Astrid, she reached up scratching behind its ear making him drop to the floor. The crowd cheers and [Reader] and Hiccup looked at each other with a hint of sadness. Three teens stood in front of gobber, Hiccup, Astrid, and [reader].

Gobber held his hand over Astrids hand and Gothi shook her head. Astrid looked at the floor with a guilty look on her face.

Next, Gobber moved his hand over Hiccups head.
The air felt tense and the crowd anticipation. Gothi shook her, earns gasps and 'oooh's from the crown.

Both Astrid and Hiccups eyes widened knowing who was the true winner. Everything felt as if it were moving in slow motion, Astrid and Hiccup turning their heads to look at the girl, Gobbers hand moving once again to be above [reader]s head, Gothi nodding her head 'yes'.

[Reader] continued looking at the floor ignoring the cheering crowd. Gobber pat [reader]s back and she looked up fake smiling at the crowd. "Thank you.." [reader] mouthed to the crowd.

━━━━ ❤︎

[Reader] kept a serious look on her face walking through the forest with a basket of fish and her bag. Her blinking increased as she tried to keep her eyes from becoming glossy with tears.

"You can't just run away, [Reader]." Astrid sped walk trying to catch up to [Reader]. Hiccup nodded his head. "Yeah, what about your family and friends."

They all stood just outside the cove. [Reader] sighed, dropping the heavy basket of fish. "You know I couldn't run away. But maybe if I just disappear for a couple days-" Hiccup took her hands in his. "That'd be too suspicious. They'd ask all sorts of questions, it wouldn't be right."

Astrid hugged [reader] pushing Hiccup away from them. "I wish I could stay here with you but my family needs me for something."

Astrid walked away from the two looking back at them one more time.

[Reader] picked up the basket of fish walking down to the cove. She kicked the fish over in front of Ivory and Toothless offering it to them. They dug into the fish happily. [Reader] sighed laying back on a rock, gripping her bag roughly.

Hiccup walked over to her swinging his arms around dramatically. He sat down next to [reader] scooting closer laying his head on her shoulder. "Remember what you said, 'if they don't believe change is possible, we can show them. You and I, together.' Let's do it. Together." Hiccup locked his hand with [reader]s. A smiled covered [reader]s face and she started to relax herself.

"I should give you a ride on Toothless, since I've ridden Ivory already" Hiccup suggested. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Hiccup readied himself on Toothless's saddle. "Alright, we're ready." [Reader] sat just behind Hiccup wrapping her arms around his waist.

Hiccup took a deep breath and Toothless took off into the sky. Going up, down, twisting and turning the gliding calmly into the sunset. They feel a presence next to them, [reader] looks and sees Ivory gliding beside them.

"It feels so nice to be in the air..." [reader] breathed reaching for the sky. "It feels like... freedom."

The two past by Berk as the sky got darker. Suddenly Toothless's ears perked up and he lowered himself. A Monstrous Nightmare appeared on the other side of them. They lowered themselves trying not to be seen by any dragons. Ivory flew over them, trying to give them coverage.

They flew into a large volcano mountain landing on a  cliff in the volcano. "Toothless we have to get out of here bud." Toothless hisses shaking his head away from Hiccup.

Hundreds of dragons enter the volcano dropping food into the pit. "It looks like they're hauling in their kill." Hiccup whispered. A Zippleback faces their direction eyeing them. "What my dad wouldn't give to find this."

Hiccup and [reader] try peaking around a wall to get a better view of the area. Dragons continue spilling in dropping fish in the pit. "It's satisfying to know all of our food has been dumped down a whole."

"They aren't eating any of it."

The last dragon to appear was a Gronckle. It hovers over the pit letting a half eaten piece of fish fall from its mouth. A enormous dragon appears from within the pit, swallowing the Gronckle whole.

[Reader] and Hiccup flinch back. "What the f-"

"Alright buddy we gotta get out of here, now!" The dragon snaps its eyes towards the riders. Toothless takes off with Ivory following right behind him. The dragon roars and hundreds off dragons flood from their hiding spot. [Reader] looks back see the dragon catch a Zippleback in its mouth pulling it down with it.

"We just found the nest, Hiccup." [Reader] jumped off Toothless tripping over her own feet. "We can't tell anyone about this." [Reader] rubbed her mouth spitting sand out. She groaned dusting herself off.

"It's not too far from here. They're going to find it one day. But will they come back alive..." Hiccup looked at [reader], who was now petting Ivory softly admiring her.

"We should get home now. It's getting late." [Reader] nodded waving at the dragons.

━━━━ ❤︎

"[Reader]!" Erik engulfed [reader] in a hug swinging around. "I didn't expect you to get picked. What was that move anyway? And what are you gonna do?"

"Stop asking so many questions. I don't know, okay? I don't know." [Reader] rolled her eyes. She noticed Sigrid chopping vegetables with not a hint of happiness on her face. [Reader] brushed it off, thinking she was just focusing on cooking. "We'll, I gotta go [reader]. I got a date." Erik smiled opening the door walking halfway out. "A date? It's already dark out. Why do you have a date this late?" He lowered his brows waving his hands. "We're stargazing."

[Reader] made a suspicious face at him, walking up to close the door behind him. "[Reader]." She heard her mother call. [Reader] stayed standing at the doorway turning around to look at her mother. "Yes?"

"Come here."

Everything [reader] had done wrong came flooding in her head the closer she got to her mother. "I know."

"You know about what?"

"That dragon that you ride."

[Reader]s eyes averted to the ground waiting to get punished. She felt her mom hug her. "I saw you sneak her into the blacksmith. You know I'm not mad at you. We aren't dragon killers, you know this."[Reader] became overwhelmed and surprised hearing her own mother saying all this. She knew they weren't dragons killers but she'd never expect them being okay with having a dragon as a pet.

"I saw Hiccups Night Fury too." [Reader] awkwardly laughed looking down.

"You know, before you were born, and when your brother was just a baby, your father too was a dragon killer. But when I told him I believed that dragons were more than just hostile creatures, he stopped being so much involved in the killing. He and one other Viking were the only ones to believed we could befriend dragons. She passed away just before you were born... we have yet to befriend dragons, but you can change that [reader]." Sigrid pulled her daughter into a tight hugged with tears falling from her eyes. "You and Hiccup both changed that."

They separated from the hug smiling. Sigrid brushed [reader]s loose hair behind her ear. "I truly couldn't have asked for a better daughter."

[Reader] released a huge sigh relaxing herself. "I love you mom."

"I love you too sweetheart."

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