VIII | A battle gone wrong

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"Never in a million years did I think the [last name] family would have a daughter succeed this much! I was hoping she wouldn't be like the rest of her family! I wouldn't want her around my son if she was!" Stoick yelled throughout the crowd. People snickered, looking around to find the family.

"But today... [reader] becomes one of us! A Viking!" People cheered loudly waiting for the match to start.

"I want you to go out there and change people's mind about dragons, okay!" Ivar kissed [reader]s forehead. "We believe in you." The family each took their took giving [reader] a comforting hug.

She noticed Astrid and Hiccup at the front gates waiting pacing back and forth.

"Hey!" [Reader] waved catching their attention. "[Reader]!" Astrid hugged [reader] patting her on the back 'comforting' but really just hitting [reader] harshly. "Be careful with that dragon." Astrid said worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm trying." [Reader] nervously laughed. "What are you going to do?" Astrid asked. "Put and end to this. I have to try." Astrid eyes her weirdly.

[Reader] turns her attention to Hiccup grabbing his hand. "Hiccup. If something goes wrong... please don't let them do anything to Ivory. Just... take my family to her." Both Hiccup and Astrids face became confused, "I will. Just promise me it won't go wrong."

Gobber approaches putting his hand on [reader]s shoulder. "It's time, [Reader]. Knock him dead."

As [reader] slowly walked into the arena the teens hollered for her. "Show 'em how it's done, [reader]!"She stood at the weapon table looking for which on to pick. She looks up at her family. She smile giving her a thumbs up. 'You got this' She grabbed the smallest dagger on the board taking a deep breath.

"I'm ready."

The bolt raised slowly and the crowd when silent. A dragons blasts through the door, its body covered head to tail on fire. The crowd roars. The dragon climbed around walls and on the chain enclosure like a spider on its web. It hissed at the crowd shooting a blast at them.

It sees [reader] standing their nervous and drops itself to the floor in front of her. The crowd waits silently for [reader] to charge at the dragon or for the dragon to blast her. She closes her eyes dropping her shield and dagger taking a step forward. The dragon steps closer to [reader], she extends her arm raising it up to the dragon. Stoick looks confused and angrily at her then looks up at her family. They stare at her with a plane face trying not to look suspicious.

"It's okay. It's okay." [Reader] whispered to the Monstrous Nightmare. With her other hand she reaches up to her head taking off her Viking helmet. "I'm not one of them." Sigrid couldn't help but smile down at her daughter, and Stoick seemed to notice that. "Stop the fight."

"No. I need all of you too see this." The crowd stands there confused and angry. "They aren't what y'all think they are. We don't have to kill them."


Stoick slams his hammer against the iron enclosure making a loud rattling sound echo in the arena. The sudden sound spooked the dragon causing it to snap at [reader]. The Monstrous Nightmare puts its guard back up blasting at [reader]. [Reader] screeched barely missing the blast.

[Reader] scrabbles in the arena losing her breath. "Out of my way!" Stoick yelled pushing through the crowd of people.

"[Reader]!" Hiccup called panicky. [Reader] grabbed a heavier weapon off the floor swinging it at the dragon. The dragon shook its head feeling dizzy. [Reader] took another axe nearby running to the gate where Astrid and Hiccup stood. She tried wedging the axe through the gate. "Watch out!"

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