IX | The Red Death

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All of Berks ships enter a large cloud of fog. The ships disappeared unable to see at all. Stoick looks around for the ships then back at the Deathly Galeslash waiting for a response. The dragon stays unresponsive. "Sound your positions. Stay within earshot." Loud shouts pour in. "Here."

Stoick stays in the same direction going direction into the fog, coming across large jagged sea stacks that could easily take their boats out. Gobber walks up to Stoick lowly talking, "Listen... Stoick... I was
overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to
here- not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan, but some, not me, are wondering
if there is in fact a plan at all, what it might be?"

Stoick continued focusing on the obstacles up ahead. "Find the nest and take it."

"Ah. Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fall-back. Nice and simple." Gobber sighed taking a step away from Stoick. Stoick raises his finger up, "shh." He looks back a the chained dragon, waiting. He notices the dragon head perk up a bit and leans in closer. "Step aside." Stoick changes the direction of the boat to follow the dragons head movements.

The ship barely missed a jagged sea stack, but land starts to appear through the fog. "Bear to port." A Viking calls to the others.

Back with the teens

Hiccup opens the Monstrous Nightmares cage. "If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." Fishlegs says.

Everyone watches Hiccup with their arms folded. "Okay then..." [reader] walked to the Gronckles cage setting the wild dragon free. She calms the dragon down leading it to Fishlegs.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon." Tuff starts. "It's me."

"I love this plan." Snotlout state's proudly. "I didn't.." Hiccup continued leading the dragon Snotlout's way. "You're crazy." Ruff smiles. "I like that."

"So? What is the plan, exactly?"

[Reader] when through all the cages letting them run loose. [Reader] smiled raises her hands like she were showing of the dragons. "This is!"

Vikings pov:

The Vikings pass by a torn up ship beside one of the sea stacks. "Ah. I was wondering where that went."

There's a clicking and buzzing noice that echos through the air. "Stay low and ready your weapons." The ship jerks back. As they reach the land, the buzzing stops and it becomes suspiciously quiet.

"Here here."

Back with the teens... again

"Wait- what are you-?" Snotlout's heart rate increases as the Monstrous Nightmare got closer. "Relax. It's okay... it's okay."

Meanwhile [reader] was coping Hiccup leading the Gronckle to Fishlegs. Fishlegs let out quiet squeaks and he raised his hand up to his face biting his fingernails.

Hiccup pulls Snotlout replacing his hand with Snotlout's. The monstrous Nightmare snorts, staying calm in Snotlout's palms. Snotlout laughs nervously, amazed yet still scared of the dragon. Hiccup walks away grabbing a roll of rope. "Where are you going?!" Snotlout panics. "You're going to need something to help you hold on."

[Reader] grabbed Fishlegs wrist softly pulling him closer to the Gronckle. "I- I don't know, [reader]..."
She lets the Gronckle have the choice to lean into his touch. "It'll be okay, Fishlegs. I promise." The Gronckle finally reacts, pushing its snout into Fishlegs's hand. Fishlegs's eyes dilated and he instantly melts in the dragons touch. "See." [Reader] smiled at him. "It's okay. Just like I said."

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