VI | On a roll

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Everyone stood in different areas of the rink as the Gronckle got released from its cave. The dragon immediately when to Hiccup. He held his hand out and the dragon sniffed his hands getting excited. The dragons eyes dilated, Hiccup dropped the dragon nip with the dragon following it.

"Wow I've never seen a Gronckle do that!" Fishlegs said. "How'd you do that?" Tuff looked curiously at Hiccup. "It was really cool." Ruff praised.

Hiccup stopped walking, trying to get away from the group. "I left my axe back at the ring. You guys go on ahead and I'll catch up with you later." Hiccup waved at the group and grabbed [reader]s hand. "Let's go."

"I feel I should bring Ivory over here." [Reader] said, watching Hiccup play with Toothless. "Ivory?" Hiccup questioned. "My love, my dragon." [Reader] placed her hand on her heart dearly.

"You should bring her over. So Toothless doesn't get lonely." Hiccup stopped petting Toothless, getting up to dust himself. "We can bring her here now."

[Reader] and Hiccup made their way through the forest holding hands. They made it to the cave and saw the dragon laying just outside of it. "Hey Ivory!" [Reader] hugged the dragon around her neck scratching her scales. "Have you-" Ivory immediately started growling at Hiccup when he started talking.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, Ivory. He's good." Ivory progressively stopped growling still giving Hiccup a dirty look. "Um, have you ridden her yet?" Hiccup asked slowly walking slower to Ivory. "Nope. Today's going to be the first." Hiccup tilted his head. "When?"

Ivory lowered her head just enough for [reader] to grab the tip of her spike and pull herself up and onto the dragon. "Right now." [Reader] held her hand out to Hiccup offering him help up. Hiccup sat right behind [reader] setting his hands on his lap.

"Okay..." [reader] took a deep breath. "Let's do this. Cmon Ivory." Ivory spread her wings lifting off the ground. She flew swiftly over the open ocean twisting and turning. [Reader] closed her eyes relaxing with the breeze brushing against her face. Hiccup tightly held [reader]s waist trying to keep a grip.

Hiccup suddenly gasped, catching [reader]s attention. "She has four wings?!" [Reader] looked back noticing the two pairs of wings. "Wow!"

They finally made it just above the cove and [reader] landed Ivory a few feet away from Toothless. Hiccup jumped off of Ivory running to Toothless. "Hey bud!" Hiccup scratched Toothless excitedly, when Hiccup scratched behind Toothless's ear he fell asleep. "Woah."

[Reader] raised her eye brows copying Hiccup, making Ivory pass out.

━━━━ ❤︎

An angry Deadly Nadder approaches Hiccup. He rubs the Nadder, scratching behind its ear so it falls asleep.

Hiccup and [reader] sat at a table causing all the other teens except Astrid to sit with them. [Reader] looked at Astrid waving for her to come over.

"Hey Hiccup!" Fishlegs smiled. "What was that? Some kind of trick? What did you do?" Snotlout flooded Hiccup with questions. "Hiccup you're totally gonna come first, no question about it." Tuff commented.

[Reader] kicked the shield that had been stuck between the rocks. She picked it up waving it around looking at a few cracks in the shield. Ivory and Toothless both jumped in front of her throwing a bit of sand in her face. She moves the shield and they jump again. [Reader] notices they're trying to get the glare from the shield and smiles. [Reader] starts jumping and walking around moving the shield with her playing with the dragons.

Hiccup smiled at them playfully.

━━━━ ❤︎

A small beam is opened. "Meet the Terrible Terror." A tiny pint-sized dragon steps out, walking to the trainers.

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