III | The dragon book / Toothless

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"Hey, now that you're okay, can I talk to you?" Hiccup dragged [reader] away from the group into a private area. Astrid glared at Hiccup walking away when they got farther. Hiccup looked around making sure no one were around to listen.

"This is gonna sound crazy, but do you wanna go see the dragon again?" Hiccups hands sat on [reader]s shoulders waiting for a response. "I was gonna go earlier, but I just had to wait for you."

After a minute of silence [reader] nods her head. "Yeah... let's go"

Hiccup and [reader] quietly made their way through the forest reaching a familiar cove. Hiccup looks down noticing a black scale. "I could swore he was over her-" [reader]s sentence got cut off by the fear of the black dragon appearing, trying to escape the cove. [Reader] grabs Hiccups hand for support feeling her heart beat out of her chest.

They lean closer out to look at the dragon. [Reader] notices an excited look cover Hiccups face. They watch as the Night Fury flaps it's wing frustratedly, only to crash back into the ground.

Hiccup hurriedly takes leather bound notebook flipping through pages, finding a clean one he starts to draw the Night Fury.

The Night Fury tries climbing on rocks, unfortunately slipping on only falling hard. It sees a fish flopping out the water and snaps it's mouth trying to get it, only to come up empty. He drops himself weakened.

"Why doesn't he just... fly away." Hiccup looks at his notebook then back at the dragon. [Reader] reaches her hand out wiping one side of the tail off. "It's probably his tail."

Hiccup accidentally drops the charcoal stick catching the Night Fury's attention. He looks up at Hiccup and [Reader], all three having a staring contest.

━━━━ ❤︎

The main hall rattles and creaks, a slight whistle from the wind it heard. "Alright. Where did Astrid go wrong in the rink today?" The trainees gather at the table. "She cut off two of [reader]s fingers." Snotlout said, continuing eating. "Right, that's true."

"I mistimed my summersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going properly." Everyone rolls there eyes. "Yeah, we noticed." Ruff mocked.

"She's right, you guys have to be tough on yourselves." A creak echos through the building. Hiccup walks through the door with [reader] following behind him. Gobber glares at them.

"Where did y'all go wrong?" [Reader] gave Gobber a dirty look. "Give me a break, I've been through enough." [Reader] sits at the table with the rest of the teens, Hiccup hesitantly sat at the edge of the table. The group frowned, only staying seating where they were because of [reader].

"You need to live and breathe this stuff." Gobber threw a big book on the table. "The dragon manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of."

The ground slightly rumbles at the thunder soon to be coming. "No attacks tonight. Study up." Gobber leaves the main hall leaving all the teens to themselves.

"Wait, you mean actually read?" Ruff looked at her brother. "While we're still alive?" Snotlout stands up. "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about." [Reader] tilts her head at Snotlout. "What?"

"Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And there's this other one that buries itself life for like a week-" Fishlegs stops himself noticing everyone with an eyebrow raised at him. "Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that..." Tuff starts. "But now..." Ruff finishes. "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff." Everyone follows leaving Hiccup and [reader] behind.

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