II | The downed dragon / Dragon training

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Hiccup hits a branch making It snap back at him hitting him in the face. "How did I manage to lose an entire dragon" Hiccup sighs tiredly. He looks up seeing a broken tree trunk. As he was about to take a step he heard another branch snap behind him.

He turned around seeing nothing there. An uneasy feeling took over him. He stared behind him trying to see if anyone were there. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder beside him making him jump. He took a small knife out his pocket, relaxing once he sees [reader].

"What are you doing out here [reader]?" He asked looking up ahead at the broken tree. "Same reason you are." They looked at each other. "You believed me?" He looked surprised. "Well, actually, I saw you." his face became disappointed "why didn't you defend me then?" [Reader] looked down at the floor not saying anything, Hiccup took a step towards the tree "I'm sorry" [reader] apologized. "It doesn't matter now"

They continued walking towards the tree. It followed down into a trench with torn up grass and small piles of dirt. They both saw the black dragon tied up. It looked dead.

"I did it." Hiccup said, his voice creeped with excitement. "This- this fixes everything!" He strikes a victory pose, putting his leg on the dragon causing it to move. They moved away from the dragon who was now looking at them; more so, Hiccup. [Reader] eyes widen looking at the dragon.

Hiccup took a small knife out his pocket holding it out to the dragon. [reader] went against the rock with a worried feeling in her heart. Hiccup looked at [reader]. "I am going to kill this dragon"

[reader] just stood there looking at the dragon. Hiccup got down on his knees holding the knife up. He sat there for a minute hesitating. Until he finally brought the knife down. "I can't do it." Hiccup finally said.

[reader] got down next to him. "Please, cut the ropes." he looked at her confused and surprised. "Are you sure?" [reader] shook her head. [reader] took more and more steps back the more ropes were cut.

The dragon laid there as the ropes fell off its body. Its wings twitched a bit before he got up as fast as light and roared at Hiccup. Hiccup got up to walk to [reader] but passed out after walking 2 feet. [reader] caught him and laid him on the ground softly. She walked away from him going the same way the dragon did. When she saw him in a cove trying to get out she quickly ran back to Hiccup making sure he was okay.

After a while Hiccup finally woke up and they walked back to the village together without saying a single word to each other. They gave each other a guilty look before parting ways.

━━━━ ❤︎

"Finally you're home!" Erik said hitting [reader]s back. "We all have some news for you." He pushes her into the living area where he, her mother, Sigrid, and father, Ivar, sat.

"Well, as much as we didn't want this to happen, we knew it was coming. You're going to be in dragon training." Ivar frowned, giving [reader] a hug. "Um what?" [Reader] lowered her brows at them. Erik shook his head. "Either way, you need to learn to defend yourself. You never know when something bad might happen."

"But I don't want to..." I said "I'd rather stay working at the blacksmith with Hiccup."

"Well actually, the chief came to us asking to put you in. He said he'll be putting Hiccup in there and thought it'd be best to put you in there too because he thinks if you're in there it will make Hiccup more excited to go." [Reader] looked confused for a moment but just sighed. "Right..." [Reader] trailed off, "okay then"

"It'll be okay, sweetheart." They all half smiled crushing [reader] into a family hug trying to help her feel better.

━━━━ ❤︎

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