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Petra Ramirez

I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked at my mother and time seemed to stand still. It was a moment I had been waiting for so long. I never believed that this would happen. I felt a mixture of shock, disbelief, and overwhelming joy all at once.

Tears started to welled up in my eyes as I took in the sight of my mother, her hair was shorter and it was a different color. More of a dark brown than when she last had her hair, before I left for Seattle her hair was down to her waist and had blonde highlights.

I reached out for my mother's trembling hand connecting with hers, I needed to confirm that this moment was real and not just an illusion of my imagination.

In that instant, memories and all the stories my mother and I shared came rushing back, I missed holding my mother's hand.

"Reina, you're back." My mother whispers as she tightens her grip on my hand.

I nodded my head slowly as I kept eye contact with her, "I am, Mom."

My mother quickly pulled me into an embrace, I felt a sense of home, and belonging. I have never felt this experience in so long, it was a profound moment of connection, a realization that I wasn't alone.

"My sweet Reina, I've missed you more than words can express." My mother whispered as she tightened our hug, "I've missed you so much."

I said nothing, I felt a feeling of guilt for leaving them never telling them what happened to me or anything let alone letting them know that they have a granddaughter.

I feel my mother pull back from our hug slightly, her face goes down to Ellie who is standing behind my leg. Ellie's curious eyes are gazing up at my mother, she looks over at me and smiles.

My mother bends down to Ellie's height, "Who are you little one?"

"My name is Eliana, this is my mommy," Ellie exclaimed as she held my hand.

My mom looks over at me and raises an eyebrow, "This is my granddaughter? I have a grandbaby."

I nodded my head, "Yes, I'll tell you everything once I get Ellie to sleep."

My mom shakes her head as she rubs her temples, "Alright come in."

My mom takes me down the hallway to my old room, she opens the door and I step into my room. As I tuck Ellie into bed, I can't help but feel a rush of nostalgia as I take a look around my room.

This room holds countless memories, the walls are adorned with posters and photographs from my teen years. The soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the big windows casts a familiar ambiance, bringing back a flood of emotions.

I take a moment to absorb every detail, my eyes tracing the patterns of artwork that I had once painted. Painting was a passion of mine, I enjoyed every bit of artwork I did. The worn-out carpet that still looks brand new retains the essence of my childhood.

I get up from the bed and walk over to my old desk running my fingers along the edges of it, feeling the grooves and marks that I left behind by the years of use.

The shelves are filled with books that I used to read, each one holding a story that would take me to different worlds. The faint scent of the room seems to be a mixture of my old perfume, the scent of childhood, and the comforting aroma of familiarity.

Taking in a deep breath, savoring the essence of my past, a small smile forms on my face as I realize how much this room means to me.

My heart skips a beat as I spot a photo on my desk that captures a precious moment with my childhood best friend, Kylie Valentino. The photo still looks new in the picture frame, I pick up the picture and start to reminisce about our conversations that she and I had about school, boys, shopping, and whatnot.

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