41||Need You

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"Alright Elliebear, it's time for bed okay?" I tell Ellie as I place a kiss on her forehead.

She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes and a lip sticking out, "Please Mommy, can I just show you one more time?"

"Alright fine, just one more time though okay?" I say as I hold up one finger before sitting down in the chair that was beside her bed.

She giggles happily as she jumps out of bed and starts doing the little dance that she has been practicing for her ballet recital, Xavier signed her up for dance and painting. He wanted her to have a normal kid experience even though her family is in the Mafia it's not gonna stop her from doing normal kid things.

The sound of footsteps catches my attention as I look over and see Axel in the doorway watching Ellie do her dance.

"Good job Eliana!" He cheered as he walked into the bedroom, I smiled as he gave her a big hug.

"I'm just showing Mommy my dance, I need to show Daddy it too!" She happily says as she jumps back into bed.

"Well, Daddy is busy right now, maybe tomorrow you can show him okay?" I told her as I got up from the chair and walked over to her.

She nods her head as she places a kiss on my cheek, "I love you, Mommy."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling too hard, she is so cute.

"I love you too, now goodnight," I say as I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead.

Axel places a kiss on her forehead too before saying goodnight and following me out of the room, when we get out of the room he shuts her bedroom door.

"So, have you heard from Xavier yet?" Axel questioned as he followed me to the bedroom.

I shake my head, "Not since he left no."


As soon as we walked into the bedroom, Axel's phone started ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and walks to the other side of the room before answering it, "Hey, Derek. What's up?" There's silence as he waits for Derek to speak, "Hold up, what now?"

I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head slightly as I watched his face turn into an expression of concern. He looks at me and then looks away. It seemed like something was wrong.

"Alright, thank you for letting me know I will make my way down there soon." He lets out a sigh and rubs his temples before hanging up the phone.

Axel turns around and walks over to me, he looks at me for a few seconds which feels like forever before telling me what happened over the phone, "Xavier, Kylie, Elijah, and Alessandro are in the hospital."

My heart starts beating faster in concern, not feeling as if it dropped down to my feet.

I start nodding my head before walking over to the closet and grabbing my shoes and purse, "I'm going to get up Ellie and we will be down at your car."

Axel nods his head before walking out of the room, I let out a sigh before running a hand through my hair and heading towards Ellie's room.


We head to the hospital and find Derek, Valentina, and Camille.

"Hey, Petra," Derek says with a smile as he walks up.

"Hey, Derek." I greet him back before looking around and asking him, "Where is Xavier?"

"He's sleeping right now, but I'll take you to his room." He says and waves for us to walk with him to Xavier's room.

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