40||Only Us

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It's been two days ever since the hospital chaos, the three of us got back to Xavier's house about three hours ago, after being in the hospital.

Once we got into the house it immediately started pouring down rain, I bathed Ellie and after she got done I took a shower.

Once I got done in the shower, I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to Xavier's closet. Xavier brought over some of my clothes, one of the days while Ellie was in the hospital.

I opened his closet and threw on a pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Once I changed I made my way downstairs,

"Mommy, can we bake some cookies?" Ellie asks me as I walk into the living room.

I smiled slightly and walked towards her, "Of course love, I'll meet you in the kitchen."

She nods her head as she jumps up from the couch and runs towards the kitchen. I looked around the living room as Tristan, Elena, Camille, Valentina, Derek, Axel, Carlos, and Kylie were all sitting down playing on their phones.

Elijah and Xavier aren't anywhere to be seen, they're probably busy.

I looked over at Tristan as he was sitting very close to Axel, with his hand in his as he was scrolling through his phone.

I wonder if they're dating or something? After a month of spending time with each other.

I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Tristan, will you come to the kitchen and help me bake cookies?"

Tristan looks up from his phone with a furrowed brow, "Why me? You could've asked anyone else and you asked me? Plus why do you need my help."

"Tristan. Now." I say but more demandingly as I glared at him.

"Okay, okay. Calm down Petra." He tells me as he puts his hands up like he's surrendering himself.

I rolled my eyes as I turned around and made my way towards the kitchen. When I opened the doors that went into the kitchen my eyes landed on Ellie who was sitting down at the kitchen island playing with an iPad.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Tristan asked as he followed behind me.

I look over at Ellie and then look at Tristan, "Ellie can you please go find daddy?"

She perks up as she turns around, "Of course Mommy."

I smiled down at her as she turned off her iPad and jumped down from the island before running out of the kitchen.

"Have you and Axel been fucking?" I immediately questioned once the doors shut.

Tristan looks at me like I'm a crazy person, he rubs his hand behind his neck before looking around the kitchen, "I mean no not yet, he has given me head though and I have-"

"Okay, that's enough." I cut him off before fake gagging, "Why would he give head to you, don't you have a small dick?"

"I don't have a small dick for your information." He tells me before rolling his eyes.

"I'm being honest, I mean..." I run my hand down my face before getting all of the baking stuff out for Ellie.

Tristan walks over towards me and sits down at the kitchen island, he reaches into his pockets and pulls out his phone. He scrolls through his phone before sliding it over to me.

"I used to do ice skating, I was awesome at it." He tells me as he holds his hand up to his chest and looks up at the sky.

I raised a brow as I looked at the photo, he was wearing a blue leotard that seemed to not fit him. He also had a front tooth that was gone in the photo along with uneven-cut hair.

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