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Tristian laughs in my face as he puts his hands on his hips as if he were Superman, "And I'm Batman, you are a funny girl."

I roll my eyes, "My name is Reina, Reina Castro. I was born on August twenty-third two thousand."

"Look, there's a lot of Reina Castro's born in August. You're just delusional." Tristan says as he starts to walk away from me.

Just as I was about to say something, Axel spoke, "She's not lying, you can even look at the birth certificate."

Tristan turns around and his attention goes to Axel, he squinted a little bit before walking up to Axel.

"Who the hell are you?" Tristan asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm Axel."

"Okay, Axel, let's see this birth certificate." He demanded.

I observed the scene in front of me, the both of them just completely forgot I was there. Axel's body movements were a bit off, I could tell he was a bit nervous. Tristan was a bit taller and muscular than him though I could tell Axel was fond of him.

Axel grabs the certificate and hands it to Tristian as his eyes scan the piece of paper.

"She wasn't lying." He finally says as he hands the paper to Axel and looks at me, "What do you want from me?"

"I want to get to know you," I told him.

His gaze goes from me to Axel then back at me, "I'll take the rest of the day off, give me ten minutes."

A small smile crawls on my face as he turns around and walks towards the shop, Axel and I head back to the car as we both get into the car, he looks at me with a small grin on his face.

"You guys haven't even met for five minutes," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"He's cute, for a straight guy." He tells me, "Good genes do run in the family."

I shake my head, "Let's not assume sexuality, Axel."

"He's just so handsome."


As Axel was about to say something else, Tristan hops into the back seat causing me to jump a little bit as he bumps the back of my seat.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

The smell of oil and gas starts to fill the air, I immediately roll down my windows before driving off.

"We are going to my house so you can take a shower," I told him.

He raises a brow, "Wow, sis got a tongue."

The car ride was silent for a bit, Axel decided to break the silence as he asked, "So, Tristan what do you do?"

"I have my own mechanic shop, and I do chemical engineering." He replies with a satisfied smirk, "Are you the boyfriend?"

Axel shakes his head, "She's dating my brother, I was the one who hunted you down."

"Stalker, but cute. I like you." Tristan said.

Axel leans closer to my ear and whispers, "He likes me."

After a long drive, we finally made it back to the mansion. We all get out of the car and make our way into the house, my eyes landing on Xavier who was walking out of one of the conference rooms.

"Hello love, where have you been all day?" Xavier asked as he walked towards me, he stopped in his tracks as his eyes went from me to Tristian, "Who's this?"

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