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As Kennedy raises the knife, ready to stab me.

I think fast, I lift my hand and grab onto her wrist, keeping her from sticking it into my throat or chest. With my other hand, I push her off of me with all of my strength.

I push her off of me as she falls onto her back, still, with a tight grip around the knife, she sits back up and runs after me with the knife trying to stab my foot.

I lift my foot in her face and kick her hard making her head turn, I get up from the floor and run away from her, as she chases after me with the knife.

"Oh, Petra, you don't understand how interesting you made this." She says as she runs the knife down the wall.

"You may have gotten a pass for making me and Xavier break up but I'm gonna make sure you don't kill me," I tell her before she swings her hand forward, and again, I quickly move back. "I cannot wait for Xavier to kill you once your baby is born."

She scoffed as her face turned red with anger, and she ran up to me again. I moved back to get away from her as I watched her move at the same time. She stabs the knife into the wall, grunts as she pulls it out of the wall, and looks at me with a sinister smile.

I quickly sprint down the hallway making a left as a random woman with short dirty blonde hair appears out of nowhere and pushes me onto the floor.

The woman takes the chance to jump on top of me as she starts hitting my head against the floor harshly, I lift my hand and grab onto her hair hard, and then roughly pull her onto the ground.

I tried to get up but Kennedy jumped on top of me making me lay flat on my stomach, at that moment I was scared.

My babies could be dead and I could be dead. Even though I'm not far along I still have to be careful. I'm already attached to these children.

"Say goodbye." She spits out as she lifts the knife with both hands before swinging it down.

I react quickly as I get up on my knees with all of my strength, as she falls back onto the ground where she belongs.

As I tried to get up I felt a sharp pain shoot through my foot up to my leg, I looked down at my left foot as blood was coming out.

That bitch.

I crawled into a different hallway as The strange woman and Kennedy were distracted, I took in a few breaths. Within seconds the woman pushes me onto the ground letting Kennedy get on top of me again.

Why me? why?

I grabbed both of Kennedy's wrists, using all my strength to keep the knife from touching my skin.

Slowly the point of the knife gets closer and closer to my neck, As I hold my breath watching my arms shake.

I focused back on the knife, it was about an inch away from going into my neck, I closed my eyes tightly hoping that this was a dream. Still, use all my strength to try to keep it from making contact with my skin.

Within seconds, I feel her weight being pulled off of me. I open my eyes as I see Elena grabbing her by the hair and holding her against Camille as she takes the knife away from her.

Elena helped me up off of the ground, I finally released a breath as I looked down at my foot.

She is the second craziest person I've ever met, she needs to go to the fucking psych ward or something.

"Are you okay Petra?" Camille asked as she kept a tight grip on Kennedy.

I glanced over at her and gave her a slight smile before nodding my head, "I'll be fine, I just need to get my foot bandaged."

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