Time Is Bullshit Propaganda Made By The Government

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What's that thing people say again? 'Time is a funny thing but it doesn't make me laugh?' YEAH! 'CAUSE I THINK I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE TIME TRAVELLED FOR HOW FAST THE PAST (I can't even remember) GOES BY!

Hear me out; I remember some things, but don't ask me when they happened or how much time was between each of them.

With no further rude ass interruptions—let's have a little "montage"! (Yes, I know that this isn't considered a montage. Let me live.)



Most adults must be out here thinking, 'Oh! A lovely Monday morning it is! The prodigies are probably refreshed and ready to learn!'

Bullshit! It's never like that, but they play blind to those signs.

As I plopped down, a fork was pointed at my face. "You," Keefe said between chews, taking the seat on my right, "look like shit."

"Why, thank you!" I said with obviously fake gratitude. "I put extra effort into staying awake all night. Really emphasizes the dark circles, don't you think?" In the end, I won 'cause Keefe choked on his blue goop.

Biana and Fitz also came along this time, joining our regulars—Dex, Marella and Jensi. Our table was pretty much packed and that attracted stares. I choose to ignore that Jensi and Marella contributed to them.

"Why were you up all night?" Dex asked, worry clearly present in his tone regardless of the dirty looks he shot the Vackers. Keefe was spared from the Dex Death Glare™.

Good for him.

"Well-" I said shoving a fork full of goop into my mouth to buy time. I definitely cannot tell them that I'm mentally fucked and had the nightmare that I've been dealing with since I was six, again. The piting looks will kill me.

My parents and Amy's blank, dark, dead stares were carved into my brain. Their deprecating words just floating around in my head like fucking bees, randomly taking shots at the walls of my consciousness.

And their mouths weren't moving.

I swallowed, hoping my face didn't give me away. "I stayed up studying. You know; Alchemy." I racked my head to change the subject.

Then, I had a the best idea! "Dex, do you think you can come over after school today?" I definitely don't have any ulterior motives.

He gave me a wary look. Okay, that's fair. "Yeah, I can. Why?"

"Can I not invite my best friend over to hang out?" I mimed getting shot in the chest, a shocked look on my face. He rolled his eyes.

"Did you kill someone?" he asked, paying no attention to the flabbergasted gasps from around the table. It's a running joke we have that I won't get into because that will take a whole book on it's own.

"Ouch! I did nothing! ...Nothing bad," I rang out the last syllable. Dex groaned playfully. The others watched the exchange with a mix of worry and amusement. (Probably 'cause that joke about killing someone.) I bounced on the edge of my seat and explained, "So, I found this thing in the forest near Havenfield. I want you to come see it! Remember that car joke? Well... With this we can probably make one. It'll be fucking awesome, Dex, please!"

Dex can play it cool all he wants, I know he as damn excited about this as I am. He was about to say something before I cut him of with a quick 'And maybe I need help with Alchemy' (to which Keefe protested because "If you get good at Alchemy, who's gonna cause explosions in Galvin's classroom!" And that led to a rundown of my recent explosions by Marella until they were all laughing at me).

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