Chapter IV: Arwen Undómiel

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They had made it to the Trollshaws before they stopped, taking care not to be seen or come too close to any roads, the wails of the Nazgûl chasing after them.

Eventually, Aragorn set the injured hobbit down and they made camp next to what looked like a set of three statues of hulking creatures with arms as thick as logs. Vaelia knew what they were: trolls. Esamir had told her the story of how the company of dwarves he had once travelled with had faced these trolls and how the creatures had been turned to stone by the sunlight.

"Look, Frodo. It's Mr. Bilbo's trolls." Sam said to Frodo, trying to cheer him up.

The injured Baggins gave no reaction.

"Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked, checking his temperature before turning to the rangers in desperation.
"He's going cold!"

Vaelia quickly moved to check on Frodo. She didn't like what she saw. As Sam had said, his skin was ice cold to the touch, but it was also covered in sweat. His eyes had turned a very pale blue, nearly white. The young hobbit said nothing, but instead constantly gasped for air, struggling with all his strength just to breathe.

"Is he going to die?" Pippin asked her.

"He is passing into the shadow world. He will soon become a wraith like them." she told them, preferring to be honest.
"But we might still be able to save him."

A loud wail echoed through the woods, followed by Frodo gasping even more harshly. Vaelia was aware of the Nazgûl closing in. They knew Frodo wouldn't last much longer. All they had to do was wait for the dark magic of the Morgul blade to finish its work before taking the ring for their master.

Vaelia couldn't accept that.

"We have to act fast." she said, before looking up towards Aragorn.
"Athelas, quick!"

He nodded before heading off into the woods. Vaelia then turned to Sam.

"Sam, do you know the athelas plant?"

"Athelas?" Sam inquired in confusion.

"Kingsfoil." Vaelia translated.

A look of recognition passed over the hobbit's face.

"Kingsfoil, aye, it's a weed."

"It may just save his life. Hurry!" she instructed.

The next minutes while she waited for the two of them to return were some of the most nerve wracking she had ever experienced. At each sound her eyes darted through the trees, searching for enemies. Her hand instinctively gripped the hilt of her sword each time the wailing of the Nazgûl echoed through the woods.

Eventually, Aragorn and Sam returned. But they were not alone. With them was a white horse, upon which was an elf woman. She had dark brown hair and was clad in a blue and silver elven tunic. Vaelia felt a wave of relief when the elf got off her horse and revealed her face.

"Frodo. Im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan na galad." (Frodo. I am Arwen. I've come to help you. Hear my voice. Come back to the light.) she said as she and Aragorn approached Vaelia and the hobbit.

"Frodo." Arwen called out again.

Once more, the hobbit gave no discernible response.

"He's fading." Arwen realized.
"He's not going to last."

Vaelia took the kingsfoil out of Aragorn's hands. She put some of the leaves in her mouth and quickly chewed them up before taking them back out and pressing them to the wound. Frodo gasped with renewed strength, a little bit of life seeming to return back into his body.

"We must get him to my father." Arwen said.

The two rangers nodded and picked up Frodo, carrying him to Arwen's horse.

"Where are you taking him?" Merry asked, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"I've been looking for you for two days. There are five wraiths behind you."

"Where are the other four?" Vaelia asked.

"I do not know." the elf answered.

"Dartho guin perian. Rych le ad tolthathon." (Stay with the hobbits and Vaelia. I'll send horses for you.) Aragorn instructed.

"Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im." (I'm the faster rider. I'll take him.) Arwen argued.

"Andelu i ven." (The road is too dangerous.) Aragorn countered.

"Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon." (Frodo is dying. If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him.) Arwen insisted.
"I do not fear them."

Vaelia understood Aragorn's reluctance. She had barely escaped their last encounter with the Nazgûl herself. She could only imagine the dread Aragorn felt at the idea of putting someone else in their sights. Especially someone who meant as much to him as Arwen did. But Vaelia knew that this was Frodo's best, if not his only chance at survival.

"Arwen is right." she reasoned.
"I know you fear for her, but you must trust her, just as she has trusted you before."

Aragorn seemed to struggle with this truth, trying to construct more arguments against the others. But he could find none.

"Be iest lîn." (As you wish.) he said, gently grabbing hold of Arwen's hand.

She gave him a small but kind smile, her own hand returning the gesture.

"Hannon le." (Thank you.) she said, before getting on the horse as well.

"Ride hard and fast. Don't look back." Vaelia advised.

Arwen nodded before spurring her horse into a gallop. The white steed quickly vanished into the shadows of the trees.

"What are you doing?! Those wraiths are still out there!" Sam asked incredulously.

"Calm down, Sam." Vaelia told the hobbit.

She glanced at Aragorn, who was still stood in the same spot, staring at the direction in which the horse had vanished. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I will go look for food. Can you get a fire going?" she asked.

He nodded silently and began setting up their camp.


Vaelia had intended to take the first watch and let Aragorn rest, but the rangers was too restless. He eventually just stood up and walked away for a while, saying he needed to clear his head. This left her with three very confused and just as restless hobbits.

"Why would you do that? Why would you hand Frodo over to a stranger, even if she is an elf?" Merry inquired.

"She is not a stranger. Not to us." Vaelia answered.
"Her name is Arwen Undómiel. She is the daughter of Lord Elrond. She is one of the most skilled warriors and one of the fastest riders you will ever meet. She has saved my life quite a few times. Frodo will be safe with her."

Sam glanced over at where Aragorn had gone.

"Strider doesn't seem too sure." he observed.

"He's worried for her. He doesn't like that the Nine are now hunting her." she explained.
"She means a lot to him. More than his own life."

"Do you have someone like that?" Pippin asked.

Vaelia simply smiled in response.

"Get some rest, my friends. We have a long walk to Rivendell tomorrow."

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