Chapter VI: the Council of Elrond

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Vaelia and Esamir had been at Rivendell for a few days as they waited for Elrond to hold his council.

The elves had given them new and more elegant clothes than their usual travel outfits. Vaelia now wore a simple red dress while Esamir was clad in a green doublet. The two of them had taken to walking around Rivendell and talking about various things, be it reminiscing about the past or telling each other the many things they had done and accomplished while they were apart.

"Do you remember when we first came here together?" Esamir asked.

Vaelia smirked.

"How could I forget? I had to help you limp the whole way here after that orc shot you in the leg."

Esamir frowned.

"Really? I though it had been more heroic."

"You must be confusing it with the time you came here with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield."

He nodded. It must have been that. After all, he remembered that so much better. Perhaps because he somewhat missed those dwarves, a rowdy bunch though they may have been.

"You know, I heard the son of Gloin is among the dwarves Lord Elrond has summoned." Vaelia pointed out.

"Oh, really? It will be interesting to see him." Esamir said.

"I would not be so sure. I have not seen much variety in dwarves, save perhaps for Thorin Oakenshield himself." a new voice said.

The two rangers turned to face the newcomer. It was a blond elf with piercing blue eyes. Most of his clothes were covered by a grey cloak.

Esamir attempted a greeting in elvish. The elf looked down and tried to hold in his laughter.

"You have many admirable skills, Esamir. But your Sindarin is not one of them." he said with a smile.

All three of them chuckled at the elf's words.

"It is good to see you again, Legolas." Vaelia said.
"How is Tauriel?"

"She is well. My father has finally given her permission to hunt down the spiders that invade our kingdom. She has been slaughtering them mercilessly."

"She has always been a fierce defender of the Woodland Realm." Esamir said.

"That she has." Legolas agreed.
"Are you here at Lord Elrond's request as well? Do you intend to be at the council?"

"It is not the reason we came, but it is the reason we stay." Vaelia answered.

"Good. My conscience is settled knowing I will have friends among those present." Legolas said.
"I sense great uncertainty and danger approaching. If the stories I have heard of the Ring are true, no doubt it will seek to influence our decisions in its favor."

"Lord Elrond and Gandalf are wise and powerful. I have faith that they will not lead us astray." Vaelia assured him.

"I hope you are right. But enough of these grim matters. There is still much I wish to tell you." Legolas said.

"By all means speak your mind." Esamir encouraged.


After an afternoon of catching up with their old friend and a dinner with some of Elrond's guests, Vaelia and Esamir had chosen to stay in an empty room to enjoy some peace and quiet. They had been reading a book together, occasionally making remarks at the other for being too slow or too fast a reader, when someone else entered the room. It was a relatively young man with light brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard and an aura of pride and nobility around him. He was dressed in blue and red, stars and wing designs on his clothes displaying his Gondorian origins.

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