Chapter VII: the Pass of Caradhras

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Vaelia stood next to Esamir near the bridge into Rivendell. They were both clad in their dark traveling clothes. Esamir was currently making the last preparations to leave and readying the horse the elves had given him, a dark brown stallion.

"When I told you not to make rash decisions..."

"I know." she cut him off.
"But I feel I must do this."

Esamir sighed.

"I cannot say it eases my worries, but your instincts have seldom been wrong."

Vaelia stepped forward and gave him a gentle and comforting kiss.

"Have faith in me, my love, as I have faith in you."

"I will try." he assured her before climbing onto the horse.
"Good luck. I fear you will need it more than me."

"Be careful. Keep a watchful eye." she advised.

He gave her a nod, then spurred his horse into a gallop. Vaelia watched in silence as they disappeared into the darkness, her hand gripping her necklace tightly.


The next morning Vaelia found herself standing with the other nine members of the Fellowship beneath the archway where she had said goodbye to Esamir the previous night, as they received an official send off by Elrond.

"The Ringbearer is setting out on a quest to Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose, and may the blessings of elves, men and the free folk go with you." he spoke, finishing with a gesture of goodwill.

Legolas and the rangers returned the gesture.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer." Gandalf announced.

Frodo nervously turned around. The group parted to let him pass. Gandalf followed after him once he was through, the rest of the group not far behind.

They journeyed south and slightly west, planning to take the Gap of Rohan and make their way east, to Mordor, from there. There was little talking amongst the Fellowship as they walked, though Vaelia noticed Frodo occasionally asking Gandalf a few questions. She usually walked either alongside Legolas or Boromir, her eyes fixed on the hobbits to make sure none of them was too tired or strayed far from the group.

They eventually made a stop close to midday on a rocky hill. Sam prepared some food while Boromir gave the other two hobbits some sword fighting lessons, the rest of the Fellowship observing them.

"Two, one, five." Boromir said, indicating the stances as he and Pippin moved through them.
"Good, very good."

"Move your feet." Aragorn advised.

"You look good, Pippin." Merry complimented.


"Faster." Boromir said, moving on to Merry.

"If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I know they are not, I'd say we were taking the long way around." Vaelia heard Gimli say as he approached Gandalf.
"Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

"No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Gandalf told the dwarf.

Vaelia's attention was pulled back towards Boromir and the hobbits when his sword accidentally nicked Pippin's hand, causing him to drop his.

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