day 1 | bunch of motherfucking rules

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"He did what?" Jimin laughed out loud, pissing his only friend to the extent the taller had his face twisted in an offended look.

"Can you stop?" Taehyung lowered his voice in what seemed like a warning. But Jimin being Jimin gave no heed to it. He only let out another set of laughter imagining the situation unfolding in front of his eyes.

Taehyung regretted ever telling the last day's incident to his blond friend. He should've seen this coming.

"But seriously Taehyung," Jimin began, wiping the tear which had slipped past his eye because of his excessive unnecessary laughter, "How do you not know Jeongguk?" He questioned once he was calmed enough for his words to not waver around.

"I don't know. How do you even know him?" Taehyung quizzed back, raising a questioning brow in his direction.

"Everybody knows him!" Jimin exclaimed, "He's the bad boy Jeon Jeongguk." Taehyung rolled his eyes over this.

"He's not as bad as everyone thinks of him though." Taehyung mumbled.

Jimin giggled at his response before a teasing smile appeared over his features which Taehyung knew very well what it meant.

"No." He remarked almost immediately, "Don't even think about it!" He held his hand out in defence.

Jimin sniffed the air around, "I smell boy in love." And another laugh left his throat making the other only groan in annoyance.

"But I swear Jimin, once I find him, he won't get away so easily. He's a junior for god's sake! And he dared do that to me? Does he not know how to respect seniors and moreover your fucking school president?"

Jimin raised a brow before letting out a soft chuckle, "Tae, what happened to you? I never saw you this agitated before. I'm sure he didn't necessarily pour the water because he wanted to have some fun. I'm sure you must have said something for which he couldn't help but do it as a defence."

Taehyung could only nod. Jimin wasn't totally wrong. Taehyung knew, somewhere he was at fault too. He should've been careful while teasing the younger. They were still strangers after all and he might've overstepped his boundary.

"Yeah whatever." He muttered before resting his head over the bench they were sprawled aimlessly.

"Bitch. Won't you even ask me how my date was?" Jimin whined when Taehyung was just about to close his eyes. The other let out a small groan before sitting upright.

"How was it?" He asked with least excitement.

"You wouldn't even want to guess, it was that nice!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes crinkling at the corner just as his lips stretched into a wide grin.

"You're right. I don't want to guess. Leave me alone, let me rest." Jimin rolled his eyes before smacking the back of the other's head.

"What a bitch I've raised." He muttered before walking away, collecting his track items lying over the ground on his way.

The sun scorched brightly just above Taehyung's head making him sigh out loud with sweat dripping down his forehead to the back of his head. His hair, partially wet from excessive running he did to clear his mind, also to pass his free time of the morning without being handed the duties he considered unnecessary.

He shook his head before jumping on his feet to run another lapse. His jersey loosely hanging down his shoulders with shorts ending just above his knees. A pair of Nike fitting his foot just perfectly.

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