author's note; please read

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Surprised? Right?

I could say the same.

But the thing is, I wanted to convey this message to all those people who've read this book, or better yet left it in the middle.

Many of you'll must be thinking about its unexpected ending. But that's exactly that.

Many things happen in our life in the most unexpected ways, and mind though, I'm not talking just about love. It can be anything, failing in exams, rejection from your crush or your favourite shirt getting stained.

And I know these past two years had been tough for many of us, including me. Our lives changed drastically. But do not give up just because things aren't happening your way.

It will, and you'd be the one to make it happen.

Sometimes, we stop ourselves from fulfilling many of our unfulfilled desires, be it choosing your favourite subject just because it doesn't have any proper career or dyeing your hair to the shitiest rainbow colour.

But just don't.

Because life doesn't always gives you second chances and even if it does, sometimes it's too late. Time doesn't stop, and neither should you.

Live in the moment, dance to the heat of it. Do the most stupid things you've had in your mind, even if you'd regret it later. But just don't stop because in the end of it, you'd surely have the largest smile over your face.

And even then those regrets or right hand embarrassments would feel like memories, beautiful ones.

And then maybe when you'd be in your death bed, waiting for your time to come you won't regret any of it because you'd know you tried everything you could. Even if its consequences weren't what you imagined them to be.

People say, you live once and if you do it right, once is enough. But I guess it's just not it because you live everyday, every minute or even every second, micro seconds would be fine too.

Just like Taehyung and Jeongguk, leave your regrets to your past and chase for present. Make plans for tomorrow but don't let it affect your today.

Run with your arms open, seize every chance given to you because here, life won't provide you a week paradise.

With love,

𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 [TK]✓Where stories live. Discover now