epilogue | a week paradise

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•To breathe him in was to inhale his magic and destiny, and now his life of adventure would always be within you•

[Highly recommended song for the chapter;

[Highly recommended song for the chapter;Date by RADWIMPS]

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Beep beep, beep beep~

Taehyung groaned in his sleep, flailing his arm under the covers in order to shut the alarm off of his phone.

Taehyung, wake up. It's me, Jeongguk

He shot up immediately from his bed. That voice, that familiar voice.

Where did he hear it? And...from whom?

The name. What was it again?

His eyes travelled across his room for a brief second. Sunlight falling through the window, the familiar scent of vanilla filling around in air. It felt like every other day.

But then what was this sudden feeling of emptiness rising inside his chest?

Yesterday...what happened?

Something did happen.

But what?

Taehyung unlocked his phone screen, the date and time displaying in large fonts;

1st march, 7.31 a.m

Fuck, he's late for school!

He groaned inwardly before rushing inside the bathroom, mindlessly brushing his teeth and with one last splash of water over his sleepy face, he just settled to wear his uniform without bathing, at least for today.

Just as he reached his school's main gate, his breaths uneven, he sighed for the first time that day.

His eyes then caught the sight of large banners, students in action for the upcoming Graduation ceremony.

A week, that's all he had....to enjoy the last days of his school life?

"Taetae, I missed you!" As soon as Jimin saw him, he rushed towards him, his blond hair swaying along with the wind passing through them.

Odd, all he felt was odd.

"Jimin," He whispered with a frown. Why was this so familiar?

The blond hugged him tightly just as he expected, but why would he expect this?

"Come on, you need to see the podium. I swear these juniors are trouble in paradise, they don't even listen to me!" He whined, dragging the male to their back field.

Taehyung, though wanted to make fun of him for being small, he just couldn't. Not this time.

What did that even mean?

"Yoongi Hyung," He mumbled under his breath as soon as he saw the older boy standing at a corner, his eyes droopy and gazing lazily at the juniors arranging chairs at a distance.

"Taehyung finally you're here! You're late. Jimin here couldn't even able to manage some bunch of stupid juniors and I had to intervene. My fucking sleep is ruined!"

And he went off somewhere. And Taehyung just stood there, awkwardly. What was happening?

"Yoongi Hyung is always sleepy. Anyways, I need to tell you something!" Jimin interrupted his thoughts.

"You got a date?" He didn't even realise when he said those words out loud.

Jimin grinned, "You know me so well, Taetae! And you're coming with me."

Taehyung just tossed him a nod, too caught up with his own thoughts.

Everything seemed so confusing. As if this all had already happened before, somewhere.

Was he dreaming?

Why's this dream so weird?

Taehyung, come to me

What was this voice, constantly ringing inside his head? Why it suddenly felt so soothing?

As if this voice was something he had loved, way back before.

But on a second thought, he felt as if it was just yesterday he had seemed to fallen in love with it.

"Jimin, I'm gonna go to the school's rooftop. I'm not feeling well." The blond passed him a nod with a worried look, but before he could offer to accompany him, he had already left their table.

He suddenly felt the need to hurry. As if someone was calling him. But who?

Upon reaching the rooftop, he felt his chest tightening. But it didn't feel bad. It was everything but that.

It felt good. Despite the crazy drumming of his heart, palms sweating apparently for no reason and head pounding from a new found nervousness, he felt good.

"Reflecting your life choices?"

And then he heard that voice again.

The similar voice which somehow managed to make his knees go weak from an overwhelming sensation.

But this time, it wasn't just his imagination.

And slowly, he turned his gaze. To the boy leaning against the wall adjacent to the door of the rooftop.

A cigarette in hand, a cocky smirk plastered over his unfamiliarly familiar features like some typical clothing and then those eyes.

Those dark, beautiful and bright eyes. Sparkling upon his sight just as bright as the sun. And smiling warmly to him, for him.

And then suddenly he found himself kissing Jeongguk in an ungodly hour, writing some bunch of odd rules, taking a punch on his behalf, zooming past alleyways with some cheap dog food and a leash in hand without a single care of the world.

Suddenly, he found himself stuck in a library, dancing to a 70s tune with boas hanging loosely down their shoulders.

Suddenly, he found himself cuddling Jeongguk underneath the blankets, walking to the shore at dawn, pouring out all his feelings after drinking to his heart's content and doing every nasty little thing out there that he had never thought he'd ever do, just with Jeongguk.

Suddenly, he found himself randomly proposing Jeongguk in the middle of a graveyard, throwing the cheapest eggs at his parent's house, and then running like one should never on his own graduation day.

Suddenly, he found himself again in those eyes which glimmered just as equally as in his vivid memories. And he knew, that Jeongguk remembered it too. All of it.

He smiled warmly in response.

We met again.

And it wasn't hard to guess, that they were stuck in a....

....a week paradise.

He was always chasing and searching for something, until their gazes locked, yet again•

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