day 2 | a day worthwhile

191 6 14

Taehyung tried not to think of all the ruckus which happened to him the past day. But no matter how hard he tried, the scene where he had his first kiss keeps getting replayed like a parasite stuck to his brain.

And what scared him more was that he loved thinking about it. He loved imagining Jeongguk's bread rosy cheeks while his lips were almost formed in a pout when he kissed him.

He shook his head in order to break out of his own thoughts before he could even get deeper into his imagination and ponder about things which were nowhere near good.

It was just a deal signed on a paper. It doesn't mean he had rights over Jeongguk and moreover he shouldn't even think about the younger that way.

He came out of his trance just when the canned juice from the vendor machine fell out. He sighed, collecting it before turning on his heels to walk back to his homeroom where there was no teacher.

But even before he could enter his classroom, a hand held his wrist, forcing him to turn to look back at the person who just stopped him in his tracks.

"Jeongguk?" He mumbled when the other flashed him a sheepish grin.

"Hello there, fake boyfriend." Taehyung chuckled before hushing down the overly excited male. "Keep low baby, anyone would hear you." Jeongguk scoffed at the name but nonetheless let out an amused giggle.

"What are you doing? Are you busy?" The younger asked with a smile which showed his bunny teeth and that only made Taehyung smile in response.

"Not busy. Was just reading a book." Jeongguk rolled his eyes before intertwining his own hand with other's. While Taehyung just watched the younger do it, an unexpected warmth spread through his chest just as he looked at their hands, connected so perfectly.

"Expected from a nerd. Not even surprised." Taehyung frowned when Jeongguk dragged him into his own classroom without a single care of the world. He wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place.

"Waow, waow! You should be in your class, you know that right?" Jeongguk stopped in his tracks just as they stood in front of the room, partly filled with students that were senior to him.

"The hell? That's some crazy fuckery going on in here." He mumbled, totally ignoring Taehyung's question. His gaze wandered around the room as his eyes comically widened into amusement just as he took the environment of their supposedly idol classroom.

"And teachers say learn from seniors." He snickered when he saw a guy, particularly in nothing but shorts and maybe a tshirt which didn't look like one, scratching his ear as if he got nothing else to do. What even happened to his uniform?

His gaze went to the last of benches where there's a group of boys, two of which were playing arm wrestling while the others were hooting the loudest they can. The rest in the room even seemed unaffected by it as if it was something which happened quite frequently.

And lastly there were girls at a corner, holding what seemed like a fashion show and Jeongguk could even bet from afar they were just roasting one another over their daily appearance and outfits.

He chuckled lowly before glancing back at Taehyung who only had a don't get weird out, shits happen look over his face. Thankfully no one noticed his presence as they were a bit too busy in their own world and Jeongguk could only wonder, how can Taehyung even manage to read amidst this afoot fuckery?

"Shouldn't you be in your class? I bet the classes for juniors are still going on." Taehyung repeated in order to gain Jeongguk's attention over the topic.

The younger shrugged casually before marching to the only seat where it had a book placed in front. Only from the looks of it, it was the most decent desk he found in the whole classroom.

𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 [TK]✓Where stories live. Discover now