day 3 | taste of my sanity

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Tapestry by Bruno major; Drugs & the Internet by Lauv; Christmas tree by V; Best of me by John K; Invisible things by Lauv; Nothing by Bruno Major; Over the rainbow by Judy garland.

Unexpectedly, Jeongguk felt alone after he had returned to his house last night. In all honesty, he thought he had been living the best life one could outside his four walled house.

Like every other time, he had eaten the food kept over the table by his father, drowning to the soft music playing in the background with some cheap beer he found lying inside their fridge.

Their house was big, a lot bigger than he thought when there were just two people living inside, rarely even seeing each other. But despite that, he knew his father loved him just as much as he loved his father. But they were all broken somewhere and lacked conversation, was his only excuse.

It didn't affect him as much as he thought it would though. As long as they were fine with their own lives.

But for the first time, he felt lonely. He was used to being all alone, but after a long time he felt as if he had finally gotten himself someone with whom he could walk till days no matter how long the distance was. Taehyung made him feel that way.

And then he did the only thing which came to his partly drunken mind. He sat over the carpet of their living room, and placed the large box covered with dirt he found back in his closet, buried deep inside his pile of clothes, in front of him.

He took his moments to absorb the alcohol he had drank earlier before opening it to reveal several photo albums and small frames he wouldn't even wish to see if not for his lonely and drunken state. He still had his excuse though, and he partly blamed everything over the cheap drink he had consumed earlier.

And he did something he had promised himself not to, a long ago. He went through the photographs one by one that had yellowed through its corners. He held one in his hand, bringing it near to his face.

There he was, probably four, sitting over his mother's lap and smiling widely at the one behind the camera. It could be his father for all he knew. He didn't notice when his eyes started filling with tears.

But again, it could be the drink which was making him feel overwhelmed, he had thought. He chose to completely deny that he missed his mother. So much. And he tried not to let those emotions get to him. It was only fair from his side to hide those feelings after what she did, to him, to his father.

And now, here he was, sitting in front of two people he didn't recognise with Taehyung by his side in the middle of the cafeteria of their school.

His head felt like it would blast anytime from all the breakdown he went through last night. And the hollering noises with the clattering of plates residing by his ears didn't help his case either, it almost made him feel as if he'd go mad if this continued a second more.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked with concern. He must've noticed his gloomy mood, Jeongguk thought.

He sighed, nodding his head slightly in other's direction, "I feel like shit." He mumbled, "But again, when do I not?" He chuckled over his own self.

When Taehyung held his hand from underneath the table while forwarding him a reassuring smile, he felt relieved and safe. His gaze then settled over the two people who hadn't spoken a word ever since they met a while ago.

As soon as Taehyung seemed to get an idea of what's going on in other's mind, he spoke to clear the awkwardness surrounding their table, "Yoongi hyung, Jimin, this is Jeongguk. And Jeongguk, these are my two friends."

𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐄 [TK]✓Where stories live. Discover now