bar fight (s.s)

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warning: self deprecating thoughts

in which you come home drunk and bruised

The knock at the front door startled Sadie awake. She knew that you were out at some bar with your friends, but you had keys to let yourself into your shared apartment, so she was confused as to why you would be knocking. Nevertheless, she pulled herself out of bed and towards the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see your best friend standing there, your arm wrapped around her shoulder as she held you up.

"Hey, Sadie," your friend said hesitantly. "Just here to drop this one off." The redhead nodded as she took you from your friend, bringing you into the apartment.

"Thank you," she smiled as your friend turned to leave. Sadie shook her head and shut the door; she was all too familiar with you drinking more alcohol than you could handle, claiming that your tolerance had increased (spoiler alert: it never did). 

She helped you to the bedroom, sitting you down on the mattress as you grumbled. You hadn't said a word since you arrived, and while that wasn't unusual when you were plastered, Sadie was also confused as you hadn't looked up at her yet, allowing your hair to drape around your face.

"How was your night?" the redhead asked, kneeling down to look at you. She pushed your hair back, gasping at what was revealed. A dark bruise marred the skin around you eye, which was swollen, and there was a cut on both your lip and your cheek, which was in the process of becoming as dark as your eye. "What happened to you?" she whispered, cupping your face gently. You just stared at your girlfriend, eyes glazed, unmoving. 

She sighed, standing. As she made her way towards the en suite bathroom, your eyes followed her. Thoughts were running through your mind, about how you had disappointed the girl yet again, about the fight that you had gotten into, about how badly your head hurt from all of the drinks you had.

When she returned, she was holding a first aid kit. She quickly began to patch up your cuts, rubbing some ointment onto them before placing a bandaid on the one on your cheek. Your lip would have to heal on its own. 

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Sadie asked once she had finished. You still didn't say a word, instead choosing to study your girlfriend's face, her freckles, her blue eyes. The redhead sighed once more, and those thoughts arose in your mind again: you disappointed her, you're a disappointment. 

"I'm sorry," you muttered. The girl in front of you nodded, standing and pulling your face towards her stomach. You wrapped your arms around her waist, burying yourself into the sweatshirt that she was wearing--your sweatshirt that she was wearing. "I'm sorry." Sadie could feel your tears as they began to soak through the material, and she quieted you with soft words, running her hands through your hair. 

"It's alright, it's alright," she tried, but nothing seemed to work. You just sobbed harder, your thoughts growing worse; here was Sadie, the perfect girlfriend who only ever wanted the best for you, and you, a mess who got into drunken fights and who the redhead had to take care of. "You're okay. I'm here." What she thought were comforting words only pained you.

When your cries had finally subsided, the girl pulled away, holding your hands in hers. "Look at me," she pleaded softly, and you couldn't deny her. You glanced towards your girlfriend, and she grimaced at the sight of your bruised face. "What's wrong, baby? What happened?"

"Got in a fight," you mumbled, and she could have laughed at the obviousness of the statement if it weren't for the sound of your voice breaking, or the redness that rimmed your eyes from your previous tears. "Some guys were talking 'bout you, 'bout us--said I wasn't good enough for you, that you deserved better."

"And so you fought them? Just because of what they said?" You shook your head, looking down. It wasn't as simple as that, no matter how badly you wanted it to be. 

"I did it because they were right," you whispered sadly, not moving your eyes from the floor. Sadie knelt in front of you again, tilting her head so that you would be forced to look at her. You couldn't ignore the tears that were beginning to form within her eyes, making them look more like an ocean than ever. 

"You think that they were right?" she asked, her resolve breaking. She hated seeing you like this, so...broken, and not being able to do anything about it. "Baby?"

"I know that they were right."

She cupped your face once more, rubbing her thumb across your cheekbone. "They weren't right. You're more than good enough for me, Y/N; you're the best for me, the best thing that's ever happened to me," she told you, and you could hear the truth in her voice. 

"Sadie..." you trailed off as you stared at your girlfriend, who had been brought to tears due to the conversation at hand. 

"I love you, Y/N, more than I've ever loved anymore, more than I love myself. You're it for me, always." 

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